Applied Computer Science
The Advanced Certificate in Applied Computer Science (ACACS) is designed both for those students looking to build a foundation for the Master of Applied Computer Science (MACS) at the School of Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS) and for experienced professionals who already hold an advanced degree in a related field or in business and who need a targeted cluster of courses in computer science for career enhancement. The certificate provides a strong, interdisciplinary foundation in computer science for working professionals who come from non-mathematical or non-engineering disciplines. The program focuses on in-demand, practical, and hands-on computational skills including databases, networks, web development, security, systems administration, and software development. Online course delivery provides a flexible educational experience for working adults.
This program is part of a partnership between the School of Continuing & Professional Studies and the Sever Institute in the McKelvey School of Engineering. The partnership serves working adults in the St. Louis region, bringing critical skills to students who want to further their academic credentials and who are interested in a new career in computing. A significant aspect of this program is to provide an academic bridge for students from overlooked communities. This program is partially funded through a grant from the MS Pathways to Computing Consortium, a group of 14 U.S. universities seeking to broaden access to the computing field.