Teaching and Learning

The Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning (MATL) is designed for adult career-changers who are committed to teaching in at-risk schools. The School of Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS), the Institute for School Partnership, and the St. Louis Teacher Residency (STLTR) program collaborate to train and support aspiring teachers who, in turn, will accelerate student achievement. 

The first year of the program is facilitated by STLTR and begins with a one-year residency. Student residents work with an experienced mentor teacher in a high-needs classroom, developing the skills needed to be a leader in the classroom. Residents also take courses focused on the core competencies needed to have a successful career in teaching. By joining STLTR, students make a commitment to serve the learners and families in St. Louis–area public schools.  

At the end of the first-year residency, students earn their teacher certification. During the second year, residents teach in their partner school districts while completing their master's degrees at CAPS. Master's pedagogical course work continues to support and inform the students' classroom teaching, and it is complemented by subject-specific courses. After completing the master's degree, participants commit to teaching for two additional years in their home districts, and they receive continued support from STLTR staff during their early years of teaching.  

Experienced teachers in STLTR partner schools who wish to strengthen and deepen their practice and prepare to mentor new teachers may also enroll in the MATL.

Contact Info

Contact:Anne Lamb