Master of Architecture: MArch 3

This full six-semester professional curriculum is for students holding baccalaureate degrees with majors in architecture and with majors other than architecture. The program begins with a series of core studios and courses before students progress into the advanced studio sequence. This 105-credit program leads to a professionally accredited Master of Architecture degree.

Waiver Requirements

Students admitted to the MArch 3 program have the opportunity to waive the following courses:

Students must obtain a waiver prior to the semester in which they would normally be expected to take the course that is being waived. In other words, students may not skip a required course on the assumption that they will receive a waiver for it in the future. 

Any such waiver requires evidence that the student had adequate exposure to the required material as part of their previous academic experience. Course waivers will only be granted for an equivalent course or a combination of courses completed satisfactorily to meet NAAB-accredited student performance criteria. Equivalence is measured in terms of both content and assignments. Waivers will not be granted for courses taken pass/fail. To be eligible for a waiver, prior course work must have been passed with the equivalent of a grade of C or higher. Grades for waived courses will not appear on the student's Washington University record and will not figure into the student's GPA.

Up to 6 credits (two courses) of waivers can be applied toward required degree credits. If more than two waivers are granted, the student must earn an equivalent number of general elective credits in place of the courses being waived.

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