Degree Requirements

To receive a degree from the College of Art, a student must meet the requirements and take academic courses with other undergraduates. Work in art and design can be combined with studies in architecture, business, the humanities, the natural and social sciences and the other arts. Students may take these courses for educational and intellectual enrichment or in direct correlation with their primary interests.

The specified number of units in the areas below are required for the BFA and BA degrees, in addition to major and additional elective requirements. (Specific courses that meet these requirements are listed in the College of Arts & Sciences section.)

Writing: Students must complete a College Writing course with a C- or better during the first year of study. Transfer students must fulfill the writing requirement by taking an approved course or by review of a writing portfolio. For more information, visit the College Writing Program website.

Humanities: Humanities courses examine the human condition as documented and expressed in both past and contemporary times. This area includes courses in literature (both in English and other languages), Classics, History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies, and some courses in creative arts such as Dance, Drama, Music and Writing. Courses designated "Art HUM" fulfill this requirement.

Natural Sciences or Mathematics: These courses help the student understand the natural and physical world using objective and empirical observation and controlled experimentation. This area includes courses in Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Biology or Policy, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Math and Physics, and some courses from departments such as Anthropology and Psychological & Brain Sciences. Courses designated "Art NSM" fulfill this requirement.

Social and Behavioral Sciences: These courses use qualitative and quantitative observation to explore the social environment, relationships with society, and forms of human behavior. This area includes courses in Anthropology, Economics, Education, International and Area Studies, Political Science and Psychological & Brain Sciences, and courses from other areas, including interdisciplinary studies. Courses designated "Art SSC" fulfill this requirement.

Art History and Visual Culture: These courses provide context for art and design studies by examining the cultural and historical impact of artworks and artifacts. The BFA degree requires two one-semester introductory courses (Art-Arch 113 and Art-Arch 215) and three additional courses. The BA degree requires two courses of the student's choice. Courses designated "Art AH" or "Art VC" fulfill this requirement.

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degrees

Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Art

Required Units
College Writing 3
Humanities 3
Natural sciences or mathematics 3
Social and behavioral sciences 3
History of Western Art, Architecture & Design 3
Introduction to Modern Art, Architecture & Design 3
Additional art history or visual culture 9
Total 27
Art/Design Foundation
Drawing I 3
2D Design 3
3D Design 3
Digital Studio 3
Practices in Art + Design 1
Total 13
Major Area Requirements
Sophomore Intro Art Studios* 6
Junior/Senior Art Practice Studios** 21
F10 391 Methods and Contexts I 3
F10 392 Methods and Contexts II 3
F10 461 Capstone Studio I 3
F10 462 Capstone Studio II 3
Total 39
Architecture, Art or Design electives 12
Courses in Architecture, Art, Design; Arts & Sciences; Business; or Engineering*** 30
Total Credit Units Required 121

Intro Art studios are identified with the attribute "INTRO." Students must take an Intro Art studio in at least two of the following areas:

  • Painting ("PAINT")
  • Photography ("PHOTO")
  • Printmaking ("PRINT")
  • Sculpture ("SCULPT")
  • Time-Based Media ("TIME")

Art Practice courses are designated with the attribute "ARTPRAC."


A maximum of 15 non-Washington University units (including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and transfer credit) is permitted. No more than 9 units may be applied to physical education, lessons, independent study, and internships. No units from the School of Continuing & Professional Studies will be accepted.

Capstone: This curriculum includes the capstone studio for all seniors in the College of Art. The capstone studio brings together all seniors in the studio areas and separately in the communication design and fashion areas for critical dialogue beyond disciplinary boundaries and to guide preparation for each area's culminating BFA exhibition.

Optional Concentrations

BFA Majors in Art can choose to concentrate in one of the following five areas: Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, or Time-Based Media. A concentration requires the following:

  • One Intro Art course (designated with the attribute "INTRO") in the area of concentration
  • Four Art Practices courses (designated with the attribute  "ARTPRAC") in the area of concentration

Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Communication Design

Required Units
College Writing 3
Humanities 3
Natural sciences or mathematics 3
Social and behavioral sciences 3
History of Western Art, Architecture & Design 3
Introduction to Modern Art, Architecture & Design 3
Additional art history or visual culture 9
Total 27
Art/Design Foundation
Drawing I 3
2D Design 3
3D Design 3
Digital Studio 3
Practices in Art + Design 1
Total 13
Major Area Requirements
F10 238C Typography I 3
F10 238B Word & Image I 3
200-Level Major Elective or Intro Art Studio* 3
F10 337F Communication Design: Typography II 3
F10 337E Communication Design: Word & Image II 3
F10 337I Communication Design: Interaction Foundations 3
300/400-level Major Electives** 15
Capstone*** 6
Total 39
Architecture, Art or Design electives 12
Courses in Architecture, Art, Design; Arts & Sciences; Business; or Engineering† 30
Total Credit Units Required 121

This must be a 200-level course with the "CDES," "FAME," or "INTRO" attribute.


These must be 300- or 400-level courses with the "CDES" attribute. Up to 3 units of Art Practice courses designated "ARTPRAC" can count toward this requirement.


Students choose one of three Capstone sequences: Form and Function, Form and Interaction, or Image and Story.

A maximum of 15 non-Washington University units (including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and transfer credit) is permitted. No more than 9 units may be applied to physical education, lessons, independent study, and internships. No units from the School of Continuing & Professional Studies will be accepted.

Capstone: This curriculum includes the capstone studio for all seniors in the College of Art. The capstone studio brings together all seniors in the studio areas and separately in the communication design and fashion areas for critical dialogue beyond disciplinary boundaries and to guide preparation for each area's culminating BFA exhibition.

Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Fashion Design

Required Units
College Writing 3
Humanities 3
Natural sciences or mathematics 3
Social and behavioral sciences 3
History of Western Art, Architecture & Design 3
Introduction to Modern Art, Architecture & Design 3
Additional art history or visual culture 9
Total 27
Art/Design Foundation
Drawing I 3
2D Design 3
3D Design 3
Digital Studio 3
Practices in Art + Design 1
Total 13
Major Area Requirements
F10 231 Introduction to Fashion Design 3
F10 234 Fashion Drawing 3
F10 236 Textiles and Surface Design 3
F10 323E Fashion History & Research 3
F10 324A Fashion Design I: Pattern Drafting 3
F10 324J Fashion Concept Development 3
F10 324K Fashion Design II: Draping 3
F10 324L Digital Fashion & Textile Design 3
F10 423G Advanced Patternmaking and Production 3
F10 424B Professional Practices: Portfolio Development 3
300/400-level Fashion Major Elective* 3
Capstone 6
Total 39
Architecture, Art or Design electives 12
Courses in Architecture, Art, Design; Arts & Sciences; Business; or Engineering** 30
Total Credit Units Required 121

This must be a 300- or 400-level course with the "FAME" attribute.


A maximum of 15 non-Washington University units (including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and transfer credit) is permitted. No more than 9 units may be applied to physical education, lessons, independent study, and internships. No units from the School of Continuing & Professional Studies will be accepted.

Capstone: This curriculum includes the capstone studio for all seniors in the College of Art. The capstone studio brings together all seniors in the studio areas and separately in the communication design and fashion areas for critical dialogue beyond disciplinary boundaries and to guide preparation for each area's culminating BFA exhibition.

Bachelor of Arts Degrees

Bachelor of Arts Major in Art

Required Units
College Writing 3
Humanities 3
Natural sciences or mathematics 3
Social and behavioral sciences 3
Art history or visual culture 6
Total 18
Art/Design Foundation
Select two from Drawing, 2D Design, 3D Design, Design Across Disciplines 6
Digital Studio 3
Total 9
Major Area Requirements
Sophomore Intro Art Studios* 6
Junior/Senior Art Practice Studios** 6
Methods & Contexts I (must be taken in the fall with concurrent enrollment in at least one Art Practice studio) 3
Total 15
Architecture, Art or Design electives 12
Courses in Architecture, Art, Design; Arts & Sciences; Business; or Engineering*** 66
Total Credit Units Required 120

Intro Art studios are identified with the attribute "INTRO." Students must take an Intro Art studio in at least two of the following areas:

  • Painting ("PAINT")
  • Photography ("PHOTO")
  • Printmaking ("PRINT")
  • Sculpture ("SCULPT")
  • Time-Based Media ("TIME")

Art Practice courses are identified with the attribute "ARTPRAC."


A maximum of 15 non-Washington University units (including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and transfer credit) is permitted. No more than 9 units may be applied to physical education, lessons, independent study, and internships. No units from the School of Continuing & Professional Studies will be accepted.

Bachelor of Arts Major in Design: No Concentration

Required Units
College Writing 3
Humanities 3
Natural sciences or mathematics 3
Social and behavioral sciences 3
Art history or visual culture 6
Total 18
Art/Design Foundation
Select two from Drawing, 2D Design, 3D Design, Design Across Disciplines 6
Digital Studio 3
Total 9
Major Area Requirements
Sophomore Design Material and Culture Studios* 6
Junior/Senior Design Practice Studios** 9
Total 15
Architecture, Art or Design electives 12
Courses in Architecture, Art, Design; Arts & Sciences; Business or Engineering*** 66
Total Credit Units Required 120

Sophomore Design Material and Culture Studios (choose two):

  • Introduction to Fashion Design
  • Fashion History and Research
  • Typography I
  • Word & Image I

Junior/Senior Design Practice Studios (choose three):

  • Fashion Design I: Pattern Drafting
  • Fashion Concept Development
  • Fashion Design II: Draping
  • Digital Fashion and Textile Design
  • Typography II
  • Word & Image II
  • Interaction Foundations
  • One 300- or 400-level Fashion Major Elective course with "FAME" attribute or one 300- or 400-level Design Major Elective course with "CDES" attribute may count toward this requirement

A maximum of 15 non-Washington University units (including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and transfer credit) is permitted. No more than 9 units may be applied to physical education, lessons, independent study, and internships. No units from the School of Continuing & Professional Studies will be accepted.

Bachelor of Arts Major in Design: Communication Concentration

Required Units
College Writing 3
Humanities 3
Natural sciences or mathematics 3
Social and behavioral sciences 3
Art history or visual culture 6
Total 18
Art/Design Foundation
Select two from Drawing, 2D Design, 3D Design or Design Across Disciplines 6
Digital Studio 3
Total 9
Major Area Requirements
Sophomore Design Material and Culture Studios* 6
Junior/Senior Design Practice Studios** 9
Total 15
Architecture, Art or Design electives 12
Courses in Architecture, Art, Design; Arts & Sciences; Business; or Engineering*** 66
Total Credit Units Required 120

Sophomore Design Material and Culture Studios:

  • Typography I
  • Word & Image I

Junior/Senior Design Practice Studios 

  • Choose two from the following: Interaction Foundations, Typography II, or Word & Image II.
  • Choose one 300- or 400-level Design Major Elective with "CDES" attribute.

A maximum of 15 non-Washington University units (including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and transfer credit) is permitted. No more than 9 units may be applied to physical education, lessons, independent study, and internships. No units from the School of Continuing & Professional Studies will be accepted.

Bachelor of Arts Major in Design: Fashion Concentration

Required Units
College Writing 3
Humanities 3
Natural sciences or mathematics 3
Social and behavioral sciences 3
Art history or visual culture 6
Total 18
Art/Design Foundation
Select two from Drawing, 2D Design, 3D Design, Design Across Disciplines 6
Digital Studio 3
Total 9
Major Area Requirements
Sophomore Design Material and Culture Studios* 6
Junior/Senior Design Practice Studios** 9
Total 15
Architecture, Art or Design electives 12
Courses in Architecture, Art, Design; Arts & Sciences; Business; or Engineering*** 66
Total Credit Units Required 120

Sophomore Design Material and Culture Studios:

  • Introduction to Fashion Design
  • Fashion History and Research

Junior/Senior Design Practice Studios:

  • Fashion Design I: Pattern Drafting
  • Fashion Concept Development
  • Fashion Design II: Draping
  • Digital Fashion and Textile Design
  • One 300- or 400-level course with "FAME" attribute 

A maximum of 15 non-Washington University units (including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and transfer credit) is permitted. No more than 9 units may be applied to physical education, lessons, independent study, and internships. No units from the School of Continuing & Professional Studies will be accepted.

Combined Studies

Washington University offers students the option to study across disciplines and to take advantage of the wide range of courses available. Students may choose a major in art or design and a minor in a different subject in the College of Art, or they may major in art or design and choose a minor or second major from a different undergraduate school.

Undergraduate students in Art, Arts & Sciences, Business and Engineering can add a dual BFA degree, a second major, or a minor in art or design to their existing degree path. These opportunities help students foster creativity, expand horizons and explore opportunities for careers in art and design.

When pursuing a dual degree, a student is eligible to graduate once the requirements for both degrees have been fulfilled.

Students may not choose the Bachelor of Arts for a dual degree. Students should instead choose a second major.

Major requirements (any course required to be taken within the Sam Fox School) may not be double counted for another degree, major, or minor unless specifically allowed by a Sam Fox School minor. Open/general electives and Arts & Sciences distribution requirements are permitted to double count for another degree, major, or minor.

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