Olin Business School

Photo of Olin Banners: Integrity, Collaboration, Diversity, Leadership, Excellence

About Olin Business School

At Washington University’s Olin Business School, students learn to look beyond the bottom line and make thoughtful decisions that benefit business and society. Our global-mindedness — coupled with a values-based, data-driven approach to decision making — prepares students to tackle the greatest challenges of our day and to change the world, for good.

As a leading research-oriented business school, Olin has a network of partners on campus, in the St. Louis community, and around the world. Students are able to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-world situations through experiential learning opportunities that include student consulting, internships, case competitions, and study abroad programs, among others. Students also develop an entrepreneurial mindset that allows them to act nimbly and quickly in the constantly changing business landscape.

Olin is a welcoming community that allows for a deeper level of engagement, collaboration and program customization. Students can rely on support from faculty, staff and their peers while feeling accomplished in the rigorous course work.

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Olin Business School offers a full-time Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree program of instruction. Our BSBA students enroll in business courses during their first year, and the curriculum covers the core functional areas of business. At least one major course of study in a field of business is chosen, and at least 40% of the course work must be in non-business fields, from fine arts to science; this allows students to pursue individual careers and ensures a well-rounded educational experience.


Students in the BSBA program are offered the option to focus their studies in a specific field of business. Although a business student is not required to declare a business major, almost all of our business students earn at least one professional major. A student may pursue one or two majors from the list below:

  • Accounting
  • Economics and Strategy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Financial Engineering (offered as a second major option only)
  • Health Care Management
  • Marketing
  • Organization and Strategic Management
  • Supply Chain, Operations, and Technology (formerly Operations and Supply Chain Management)

Specific requirements for each major can be found in the Majors for BSBA Degree Candidates section of this page.


Many departments and schools in the university offer minors. Business students can also pursue a minor outside of Olin Business School in any recognized academic discipline offered within the university by satisfactorily completing all of the requirements for both the BSBA degree and the minor. Required courses for a minor outside of the business school may range from 15 to 27 units, depending on the specific regulations of the academic department. A business student who applies for a minor and completes all of the requirements will have the award of the minor noted on the official transcript. A student must be approved for admission to a minor program by the department offering the minor.

BSBA students may choose the following minors offered through the Olin Business School: 

  • Business of Social Impact
  • Business of Sports
  • Business of Entertainment
  • Business of the Arts
  • Business Analytics
  • International Business

Specific requirements for each major can be found in the Minors for BSBA Degree Candidates section of this page.

Combined Majors

Business students have the option to major in more than one field of study. BSBA students can earn a total of two majors, either both in business or one in business and one from outside of Olin. For example, a student could earn a BSBA degree with a major in finance and a major in English literature from the College of Arts & Sciences. Students must complete the specific courses required for the second major, but they are not required to complete the general requirements for the second degree. Students should consult with their academic advisors for additional information. Upon completion, the student's transcript would show a BSBA degree along with the earned second major. A diploma is awarded for the degree, with reference to any major(s) appearing on the official transcript.

Combined Degrees

A student also can earn two undergraduate degrees simultaneously: a BSBA degree and another undergraduate degree offered at the university. The student must be admitted to the other degree-granting program, and they must meet specific degree requirements for both schools. Typically, this option requires additional time to complete all requirements. For example, if a student combines a business degree with a degree from the College of Arts & Sciences, the student must complete a minimum of 150 units between the two disciplines. Of the 150 units, at least 90 units must be from the College of Arts & Sciences, and at least 60 units must be from Olin Business School. Some courses may be used to satisfy both degree requirements simultaneously. Because requirements for a second degree vary from discipline to discipline, students should talk with their primary advisor to plan their program.

Non-BSBA Students

Students in other undergraduate divisions of the university may choose to complete a second major or a minor in a business discipline. This opportunity allows students to combine their academic interests between two schools. If students wish to pursue a second major or minor in business, they are required to follow the degree requirements for their primary school/major along with a set of core business or prerequisite requirements and 15 units of professional major/minor course work. Additional information for students from other schools of Washington University who wish to pursue business second majors and minors can be found in the Non-BSBA Programs section of this page.

Joint Programs

Bachelor of Science in Business and Computer Science

The Bachelor of Science in Business and Computer Science degree program provides an integrated educational experience that involves both the Olin Business School and the McKelvey School of Engineering. The objectives of this program are to provide students with the fundamental knowledge and perspectives of computer science and business and to expose them to the unique opportunities created by combining these disciplines. As one of the only such joint programs in the country, the Bachelor of Science in Business and Computer Science features unique curricular and cocurricular elements that help to create a distinctive program.

Please visit the Bachelor of Science in Business and Computer Science page of this Bulletin for more information.

Olin Graduate Programs

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

A special five-year program — often referred to as the 3+2 program — that combines an undergraduate degree with the Master of Business Administration degree is available to a select number of undergraduates. Interested candidates should contact the Olin MBA Admissions office during their sophomore year by calling 314-935-7301 or emailing Olin Graduate Admissions.

Specialized Master's Programs

A specialized master's degree is highly concentrated and singular in focus, providing intensive education in one business discipline. Olin Business School offers a variety of specialized master's programs that can be combined with an undergraduate degree. Visit our website for more information about dual undergraduate and specialized master's programs. Interested candidates should contact the Olin MBA Admissions office during their sophomore year by calling 314-935-7301 or emailing Olin Graduate Admissions.


Academic Advising

Olin Business School provides students with expert academic advising and support. Olin undergraduate programs have academic advisors who serve as professional advisors to all undergraduate students on procedural matters, course planning, registration and other academic matters. Students are required to meet with their advisors at least once per semester to discuss course registration, but they are strongly encouraged to meet more frequently to allow advisors the opportunity to learn about the student's goals, plans and career objectives.

Independent Study

Independent study under the direction of a faculty member is available on a selective basis. The purpose of independent study is to provide an opportunity for students to pursue subject matter beyond the specific course offerings found in the business school. Projects may be done for 1 to 6 units of credit, but normally no more than 3 units will be granted in any one semester. The Independent Study Form must be submitted to the student's academic advisor by the end of the second week of the academic semester. Students may apply a maximum of 6 units of independent study in business and 6 units from outside of Olin toward the 120 unit degree requirement. 

For more information, please speak with an academic advisor for the Olin Business School undergraduate programs. 

Internship for Credit Opportunities

Olin Business School first-year students and sophomores who have summer internships can enroll in MGT 450A for academic credit. This online course is designed to deepen the overall learning that the student gains from an internship. Students enroll in this 1.5-credit course on a pass/fail basis. Although this course will be listed on a student's academic transcript, it will not count toward the 120 units needed for graduation.

Olin Business School juniors and seniors who have completed the core requirements and one advanced elective in the appropriate major field may apply to receive credit for internship experience through an independent study. Students must work under the direction of a faculty member to complete an academic paper or project. The Independent Study Form must be submitted to the student's academic advisor by the end of the second week of the academic semester. 

Global Programs

Upon graduation, students are working at some of the top institutions across the globe. This is why Olin has chosen to integrate meaningful, purposeful and impactful global experiences into its academics. Having an international experience signals to employers that our students are in possession of valuable traits such as adaptability, comfort in ambiguity, and global leadership. All students have the opportunity to study abroad, providing they meet the eligibility requirements. Detailed information and eligibility requirements for study abroad are available on the Olin Global Programs website or in the Undergraduate Programs office.

Options include the following:

  • Olin International Internship Programs combine classroom learning with a full-time internship placement of approximately 10 to 12 weeks. Students complete a significant research project in conjunction with the internship experience.
  • Olin Semester Study Abroad Opportunities are offered across the globe in Asia, Europe and South America. Students choose courses on offer at local universities or study centers in the areas of business, language and general studies. Some programs require intensive language courses, although most are taught in English.
  • Short-Term and Summer Programs last from two to eight weeks for 3 to 6 credits, including opportunities through the Center for Experiential Learning as well as Olin-run programs in Europe and Israel. 

A unique aspect of many of our semester programs are the Academic Study Tours. Academic Study Tours are a required academic component for several of our study abroad programs, and students earn business credit for this experience. These tours are designed to develop research, analysis and presentation skills in an experiential format to allow students to apply theory, concepts and skills gained at Olin to consulting-type exercises abroad. They also allow students the opportunity to explore the business and culture of the region in which they are studying.

Other Study Abroad Options

Students with second majors outside of business may consider study abroad programs sponsored by Overseas Programs in the College of Arts & Sciences to earn credit toward their non-business major.

Global Mindset 

Beginning with the BSBA Class of 2025 and beyond, a Global Mindset component will be part of the degree requirement. The Global Mindset component for the undergraduate BSBA degree is designed to support the Olin Pillars of providing world-changing business education, research, and impact. Through a Global Mindset experience, students will have the opportunity to expand their intellectual curiosity, gain confidence in their ability to make decisions under pressure, and enhance their leadership advantage in a rapidly changing global society. Students will be able to satisfy the Global Mindset component of their degree through a variety of experiences that expose them to new academic and professional ideas, peoples, cultures, and philosophies. This could be done through study abroad or with a carefully curated set of domestic experiences.

Student Assistants to Professors

In this challenging program, outstanding students are chosen to assist various professors with their course development work or research efforts. Students may conduct library research, perform computer programming, develop new learning materials for class, assist other students with their writing skills, or tutor in various areas of the curriculum.

Participation as an assistant to a professor is voluntary and may begin as early as the first year. As a participant, students are paid the going rate for undergraduate student assistants. This experience also impresses company recruiters.

Center for Experiential Learning

The Center for Experiential Learning (CEL) is an educational center at Olin Business School. The CEL facilitates real-world experiential learning courses. Last year, dozens of our expert advisors and faculty oversaw 140+ live consulting engagements with nearly 1,000 Washington University student participants. The CEL's partners include startups, nonprofits, multinational enterprises, and NGOs in St. Louis, across the country, and around the globe. Visit the Center for Experiential Learning website for more information.

Center for Career Engagement

WashU’s Center for Career Engagement (CCE) provides comprehensive career support, including career coaching and planning, career assessment and skills training, and access to a global community of leaders, recruiters, influencer networks, and WashU alumni. To get the most out of career support, students are encouraged to meet with coaches early in the school year to discuss their personal and professional goals.

Through the CCE, students can access 24/7 digital tools and resources, self-assessments, résumé and cover letter reviews, and networking sessions. In addition, they can connect to employer activities, including company information sessions, speaker panels, on-campus interviews, skill-building workshops, and career fairs.

Students are encouraged to join the Business Career Community, an industry-focused space dedicated to exploring careers, making connections, and inspiring confidence.

For more information, please visit the Center for Career Engagement website or call 314-935-5930.

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