Combined Bachelor's/Master's Program

The Combined Bachelor's/Master's Degree Program in the School of Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS) is designed for students who wish to pursue rigorous and accelerated study that will lead to both a Bachelor of Science (includes the Bachelor of Science in Integrated Studies programs) and either a Master of Arts or Master of Science in areas of study for which there are degree programs at CAPS.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility requirements for the Combined Bachelor's/Master's Degree Program in CAPS include the following:

  • Admission to a Bachelor of Science degree program in CAPS
  • Completion of a minimum of 60 units toward the Bachelor of Science degree, including transfer credit, with a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade-point average (Note: Only in exceptional cases will candidates be authorized to pursue the Combined Bachelor's/Master's Degree Program after completing 84 units.)
  • Completion of a minimum of 12 units of undergraduate course work in CAPS, at least 9 of which must be at the advanced level (300- and 400-level courses), with a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade-point average
  • Completion of a Combined Bachelor's/Master's Degree Program Preliminary Authorization Request
  • Two academic writing samples, at least one of which must be research-based, to be submitted to CAPS
  • Personal interview with the Director of Undergraduate Student Success and/or Associate Dean for Academics

Application Requirements

Preliminary Authorization 

Students who meet the eligibility requirements noted above should meet with their student success navigator (advisor) to complete the Combined Bachelor's/Master's Preliminary Authorization Request form.

Writing Samples and Personal Interview

Two academic writing samples, one of which must be research-based, and a personal interview are also required for preliminary authorization.

Applicants will be informed, following a review of their writing samples and personal interview, whether or not they have been authorized to pursue the Combined Bachelor's/Master’s Program and to register for graduate course work that will count toward both the undergraduate and appropriate master’s degree.

Students receiving this preliminary authorization are required to submit a graduate application during their final 30 to 36 units of undergraduate study, at which time their academic performance and potential for continued graduate study will be reevaluated. If approved, students will be formally admitted to a graduate program of study.

Program Requirements

  • Formal admission to CAPS
  • Completion of a minimum of 135 units of course work, undergraduate and graduate, including all residency requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree
  • Completion of all requirements in the student’s graduate program, including a final written project where required, and in accordance with all academic policies and procedures for undergraduate and graduate study in CAPS
  • A maximum of 15 to 18 units of graduate course work (depending on the specific master's program) at the 400 and 500 levels may count toward requirements for the graduate degree and as unrestricted electives for the undergraduate degree.
  • Students must continue their master's degree course work in the semester (fall or spring) immediately following completion of the bachelor's degree. 

For more information or to schedule an appointment to discuss the program, please call 314-935-6700.

Contact Info