Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Joint Juris Doctor/Master of Arts in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

The Juris Doctor/Master of Arts in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) is a truly joint program in which students, under close mentoring by advisors in both Law and WGSS, take a carefully selected set of courses in the Law School and in Arts & Sciences that are tailored to the students' interests. Course work in Arts & Sciences provides students with advanced training in issues of gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, class, and disability. Whether they come from a gender and sexuality studies background already or they are looking to supplement their JD with a gender and sexuality studies perspective, this program is designed to prepare lawyers with a deep understanding of the cultural impacts of gender and sexuality in the workplace, in policy, and in law.

Graduate Certificate in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Our graduate certificate program allows students in PhD programs to enhance their disciplinary studies with a concentration in gender studies.

This program offers graduate certificate students an opportunity to meet and work with graduate students in other departments. Graduate certificate students are on the program's mailing lists and are invited to participate in a variety of events, including special guest lectures, conferences, faculty searches, and informal gatherings.

In WGSS, graduate certificate students may engage in a teaching pedagogy opportunity. The teaching pedagogy opportunity in WGSS takes place over two semesters. During the first semester, students undergo teaching preparation in which they observe the class that they will teach. They are mentored by the instructor, and they attend instructor meetings devoted to examining content and pedagogy. In addition, they develop a syllabus — often in consultation with their WGSS teaching mentor and their department advisor — that is reviewed carefully by WGSS faculty. These students may be undergoing mentored teaching experiences in their own departments during this first semester. During the next semester, students teach the WGSS course, and they are observed by WGSS faculty and, in some cases, by faculty in their own departments. These faculty use a rubric for the student's assessment that is made available to the student. Students receive a written assessment that they then discuss with the observing WGSS faculty member. Sometimes, students are observed and assessed more than once. Participation in this program broadens students' teaching experiences and their credentials for future job opportunities. The following departments are involved in this program: Anthropology, Art History, Education, English, German, History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Romance Languages and Literatures.

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