Social Media Policy
Students accepted to Washington University School of Medicine (WUSM) and current WUSM should be vigilant in their use of social networking (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, blogging). The profession of medicine requires the highest standards of conduct because of the level of trust patients place in medical professionals. When students are admitted to WUSM, enrollment remains contingent on their demonstration of this high standard of conduct through sound judgment, accountability and integrity. Written, voice, email and other electronic communications — including those used in blogs, social media sites and smart phone apps, as well as in published writing — should be thoughtful, and all individuals in the learning environment should be treated with mutual respect and understanding. Posting items that represent unprofessional behavior, releasing patient health information or other HIPAA violations, or violating Washington University in St. Louis policies on social networking sites will result in disciplinary action by the medical school.
The following two Washington University policies are incorporated into this policy and apply to accepted and current students: