Occupational Therapy

The Program in Occupational Therapy offers several professional degrees as well as a joint degree with the George Warren Brown School of Social Work.

Students interested in entering the field of occupational therapy may do so with a master's or doctoral degree. It is possible to enroll in either program and then apply to transfer to the other program later, as both the master's and doctoral programs share the same curriculum for the first year of study. Students may also decide to apply to both programs if they like. Typically, the doctoral program attracts students who have further interest in research and leadership in the field.

The Program in Occupational Therapy prepares students for professional practice and, through its research, generates knowledge to address the issues facing individuals with disabilities, chronic diseases and developmental disabilities. Students are prepared as generalists, but they can also concentrate their studies for work in pediatrics, aging, rehabilitation, work and industry, or social participation. The curriculum focuses on the dynamic interaction of the biological with the psychological, environmental and occupational factors that enable persons to fulfill their roles and lead meaningful and productive lives. Students interact with leading physicians and scientists whose practices and science are contributing to better methods for the treatment of persons with disabilities. In addition, students are linked with community agencies and leaders providing services to individuals with disabling conditions.

Undergraduate students in pre-medical, psychology, biology or anthropology will find that the program offers a means of applying their knowledge in a professional field.

The Program in Occupational Therapy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), located at 6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 200, North Bethesda, MD 20852-4929. ACOTE's telephone number, care of AOTA, is 301-652-AOTA. For more information, visit the ACOTE Accreditation webpage.

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