Interdisciplinary Courses

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M80 InterDis 808 Step Preparation

Step Preparation.

Credit variable, maximum 16 units.

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M80 InterDis 827 Introduction to Global Health (Non-Clinical Elective)

This is a cross-disciplinary "crash course" in global health for students considering a career in global health and should be particularly useful for those students planning to complete international electives before graduation or during residency. The course consists of a mix of lectures, workshops, discussions, debates, laboratory sessions, clinics, and simulation labs for two weeks. Topics will include significant coverage of high-burden infectious and tropical diseases (primarily case-based) in addition to discussion of emerging and neglected global health topics including mental health, non-communicable diseases, radiology, and maternal health. Active participation in all activities and discussions is expected in order to obtain credit for this course. The course is team taught by faculty from around the medical school with extensive experience in global health and will include opportunities to network with faculty and residents actively engaged in clinical, research, policy, and implementation work around the world. This course has been run for two years previously for residents only and now is being opened up to senior medical students as well. No specific clinical requirements or call is required. Attendance and active participation for each session throughout the two weeks is required and students should not schedule residency interviews or other time off during this block.

Credit 2 units.

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M80 InterDis 832 Patient Safety and Quality Improvement (Non-Clinical Elective)

This elective provides students practical experience with the application of patient safety and quality improvement principles. Students will bring their own experiences with patient safety or systems-based problems to serve as the foundation of learning and project development. Students will have the opportunity to meet and learn from the interprofessional team that supports patient safety and quality improvement work.

Credit 4 units.

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M80 InterDis 835 Interprofessional Hotspotting (Clinical Elective)

We are looking for TWO Washington University Medical Students interested in joining an interprofessional team of students that will learn how to take care of patients with complex medical and social needs. The Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (CIPE) at the Washington University Medical Campus will create TWO teams and each team will consist of one nursing student from Barnes-Jewish Goldfarb School of Nursing, one occupational therapy student from Wash U OT school, one medical student from Wash U medical school, one pharmacy student from St Louis College of Pharmacy in the University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy and one Public Health Student from the Washington University Institute of Public Health. These teams will learn from and take care of high-risk patients from September 2023 until April 2024 with an estimated time commitment of 3 hours per week.

Credit 2 units.

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M80 InterDis 849 Phase 3 Capstone (Non-Clinical Elective)

The Phase 3 Capstone course is highly structured. In order to provide students with the absolute best experience possible, students are REQUIRED to attend all sessions. In general, the morning sessions will start at 8:00 am and run until approximately 12 noon. Afternoon sessions will generally run from 1:00 pm until about 5:00 pm. The afternoon sessions are typically hands-on activities which are faculty/staff intensive. By the end of this four-week course, students should be able to demonstrate improved cognitive and clinical skills needed to enter the internship year of graduate medical training. Topics to be covered include acute clinical problems commonly faced on the inpatient service or emergency room, review of key diagnostic testing, basic procedural skills and patient and family communications regarding informed consent and end-of-life issues. Coursework will be divided between self-study, didactic, small group discussions, hands-on skills practice, and simulation. Parts of the course will be tailored to specialty interests. Students will be assessed by performance on simulation exercises and a written exam.

Credit 4 units.

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M80 InterDis 851 The Business of Medicine (Non-Clinical Elective)

This two-week interactive course enhances medical students' Healthcare System Literacy, i.e. their understanding of how the healthcare system is structured, financed, operated, and regulated. They will learn how clinical decisions and options are tied to market forces, business structures, and health policy. From clinical practice management issues up to 'big picture' views of healthcare, the course modules help prepare students for the challenges they will face in their own practices as well as for leadership roles in improving patient care on a large scale. The course will be a blend of case-method sessions, targeted mini-lectures, expert panels, and field trips, all designed to invite student participation and engagement with representatives from a broad spectrum of the healthcare industry.

Credit 2 units.

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M80 InterDis 858 Humanities in Medicine: Reflecting about Professional Identity (Non-Clinical Elective)

Available blocks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
2 or 4 week rotations

This elective provides a creative space for using many types of activities (narrative writing, poetry, drawing, video, graphic design, etc., as well as activities for which studios are available at the Craft Alliance) to reflect on the professional identity of physicians. The elective offers faculty and/or WUSM alumni as reflective partners, as well as collaborations with student groups or community organizations. If students would like to display their projects, they are welcome to participate in the Art to Heart Annual Art Show. Students will create independent proposals (as individuals or small groups) for a reflection project that involves the arts/humanities and relates to medicine/physicians' roles/professional identity, and make plans to complete a project to share online, at the Art to Heart art show, or in another way. Students can work on projects over time. The course will involve students reading individually the course outline, then drafting proposals for their projects, to include an outline of what they are going to do, the expected timeline, the resources/materials they might need and use, and what they hope to get out of this project (how this will help them grow individually as medical professionals). The course requirements are to produce some reflective product, in each student's choice of medium (visual art, writing, etc.) and to write a brief reflection narrative at the end of the session on their experience and inspiration for their work and how they have grown/changed in participating in this project.

Resources:1) We hope to provide studio time at the Craft Alliance for painting, ceramics, metal work, fiber (weaving, etc.), woodworking, etc., for individuals or small groups.2) The Art to Heart student group will offer students guidance and insight on their projects, hold one-on-one meetings or office hours for students to help brainstorm their projects and find resources for them.3) Students are invited to participate in monthly critique sessions, where students will meet to show each other their progress and give each other advice and thoughts on each other's project. This will encourage students to share ideas, give insight and viewpoints to each other, and provide space for reflective discussion and opportunities to brainstorm future collaborations. Optional project ideas:

  • (Group)View a film about health/healthcare experience, engage in group discussion, and use film clip image printouts to create collages by individual students to create their own image reflection about their thoughts and emotions after viewing the film. Students will be provided colored pencils, crayons, colored papers, and pens to draw/color/write about their thoughts and emotions. This can also occur individually. This will kick-start their reflection, using art/humanities as media.
  • (Group) Create wristbands/ keychains using colorful threads/fabric yarns using suture tie techniques. Keep the products or sell them for fundraising.
  • (Group) Gather waste products from the hospital or the school to create artworks that reflect students' patient experiences or raise awareness of hospital waste.
  • (Group or Individual) A student who decides to translate their research into something visual (such as drawing/sculpture/print etc.) can use the media to display their research.
  • (Group or Individual) Paint a mural at Mural Mile during Paint Louis event on Labor Day weekend.

Student time distribution: Conferences/Lectures 5%; Independent 95%
Major teaching responsibility: varies, with oversight from Dr. Wallace, Dr. Hanson, and/or other faculty members
Patients seen weekly: 0
On-call/weekend responsibility: None

Credit variable, maximum 4 units.

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M80 InterDis 863 Mind Body Stress Reduction (Non-Clinical Elective)

Mind-Body Stress Reduction is a program that uses intensive training in mindfulness meditation to teach people how to: - Reduce stress and anxiety - Increase focus & concentration - Manage health problems - Live more fully productive lives Mind-Body Stress Reduction utilizes both formal and informal mindfulness meditation practices. Mindfulness can be described as non-judgmental, non-striving, moment-by-moment attention. It is often called present-centered awareness, a state of consciousness that has been shown to have health benefits for the autonomic nervous system, to increase immune function, and to increase alpha and theta brain waves, which are present in deep states of relaxation.

Credit 4 units.

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M80 InterDis 864 Care of the Homeless (Non-Clinical Elective)

The purpose of this elective is to educate students on the following areas: the causes of homelessness; the health care consequences of homelessness, including medical problems, barriers to care, and distrust of health care providers; the safety net system in St. Louis; and how to provide primary care tailored to the needs of the homeless. The format of the elective will include individual readings (printed/online/Canvas) and viewing of "The Pruitt-Igoe Myth" and other video resources available for free. Zoom conferences with other instructors or community resources may be arranged. Students may be asked to explore online resources for case studies or to make the course more interactive. At the conclusion, students will complete a reflection paper. At the end of the course, the student will be able to assist homeless persons to access services in St. Louis; list and describe barriers to care for homeless persons; list and discuss some of the ways that providers can be more accommodating to homeless patients; formulate treatment plans that address food insecurity, lack of shelter, and other homeless patients' needs; and understand the special difficulties faced when managing COVID in the homeless population.

Credit variable, maximum 4 units.

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M80 InterDis 875 Medical Education Scholarship (Non-Clinical Elective)

This two-week virtual elective will introduce types of education scholarship; provide guidance for selecting a topic, writing a question, and developing project objectives; illustrate meaningful outcomes for the evaluation of education scholarship projects; and introduce qualitative and quantitative methods appropriate for education scholarship. We will meet intermittently throughout the two weeks on a mutually agreed-upon schedule. Much of the work will be done independently, with the instructor available to provide feedback and answer questions. By the end of the elective, the student will be able to define scholarship of teaching, discovery, integration, application, and engagement and provide examples of education scholarship in each type; gescribe the criteria for evaluating scholarship in medical education; provide examples of education outcomes at each level of Miller's Triangle and Kirkpatrick's Levels of Program Evaluation; and draft a plan for an education scholarship project with clear goals and appropriate plans for adequate preparation, appropriate methods, evaluation of results, dissemination, and reflective critique.

Credit 2 units.

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M80 InterDis 880 Clinical Informatics (Non-Clinical Elective)

Clinical informatics is the application of information technology and human resources in transforming data, information, and knowledge into meaningful health care improvements. Physicians practicing in this discipline provide oversight in the effective use of information systems and the development of innovative clinical pathways for patient care. During this rotation, trainees will assist in the operations of clinical informatics teams at BJH, SLCH, and WUSM, including information system management (e.g., incident response and improvement requests), reporting (data analysis and visualization), and clinical decision support. Trainees will support teams related to their clinical interests and participate in strategic meetings. Additional training in the use of reporting tools in Epic will be provided. Learning objectives include the following: utilize reporting tools to transform health care data into meaningful information and actionable knowledge; champion the safe and effective use of health care information systems; and apply change management principles to improve clinical processes and workflows.

Credit 4 units.

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