Contesting Individual Assessments Procedure

Students wishing to dispute a specific assessment, not a competency decision, do so using the QualtricsXM form within seven calendar days of formal notification of the assessment outcomes being posted to the electronic learning management system (Keystone) or the review of the assessment during a proctored review. The form will require the student to complete the following details: 

  • Assessment being disputed 
  • Reason for or description of dispute 

Dispute forms will be sent to the Assistant Dean for Assessment and the OMSE, who will then forward the appropriate party (see list below) who has final authority to make determinations on changes at the individual assessment or assessment item level.  

The appropriate parties with whom dispute forms will be shared are as follows: 

  1. Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and Standardized Patient disputes are directed to the Clinical Skills and Communication Thread Leaders. 
  2. Individual foundational knowledge for practice assessment disputes are directed to the specific course/module leadership. 
  3. Individual patient care assessment disputes are directed to the appropriate course (Immersions or clerkship) leadership. 
  4. Disputes for all other individual phase assessments are directed to the Chair of the Competency Attainment Committee.

Students will be notified of the final outcome of the dispute no later than six weeks after the conclusion of the course.

Additional Guidelines

  • Students are advised that feedback from any one individual frontline assessor does not guarantee a specific competency outcome. Frontline assessors are not in a position to render such decisions. 
  • Students are advised not to engage directly with individual assessors or instructors when concerns about an assessment arise. Instead, they should discuss the issue with the appropriate party as identified above in this document. 
  • The perceived absence of formative or constructive feedback does not guarantee a specific outcome. 
  • Receiving insufficient feedback cannot be the sole basis for an appeal. If a student feels that they are not receiving sufficient feedback, even after asking for it, they are encouraged to discuss this with the appropriate course director before the end of the curricular period. 
  • Mid-clerkship feedback is not a guarantee of any specific final outcome. 
  • Clinical performance assessments returned more than 21 calendar days after the conclusion of a clerkship will not be considered credible sources of assessment information/evidence.

Students wishing to file a formal appeal should refer to the Formal Appeal Procedures for Competency Attainment and Promotion Decisions

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