Course Credit Procedures
In the Gateway Curriculum, students attain competency based on the totality and sufficiency of evidence regarding their performance in each of the WUSM Medical Student Program Objectives in each of the Competency Domains. The School of Medicine also has a requirement to provide transcript evidence of the successful completion of each course. This document describes the procedures for the determination and documentation of course credit that is independent of the Competency Attainment Committee (CAC) and Clerkship Competency Committee decisions of competency attainment.
In the Gateway Curriculum, Phase 1 and 3 courses include the Foundational Modules, Clinical Immersions, EXPLORE Immersions, Advanced Clinical Rotations, Keystone Integrated Science Courses, Capstones, and Electives. Course leads will be responsible for submitting "credit/no credit" determinations to the Registrar within 10 business days of the completion of the final course requirement. For each course, a determination of "credit/no credit" will be made based on the full completion of required course elements as outlined in the syllabus via the learning management platform for each course. "No credit" will be recorded on the transcript until such time as a student has completed all required elements, when the "no credit" will be replaced with "credit." End-of-course "no credit" determinations and the circumstances, when known, will be monitored and brought forward during CAC deliberations.
In Phase 2, clerkships are required to provide competency decisions in patient care, rather than "credit/no credit," to the Registrar within 6 weeks of clerkship completion in line with LCME element 9.8, Fair and Timely Summative Assessments. Students who have not completed a required element of the clerkship will receive an "incomplete" (I) on the transcript until all required elements are completed.