Grading System

—This information applies to Legacy Curriculum students.—

I. First and Second Year

Courses in the first-year and second-year curriculum are evaluated on a Pass (P) or Fail (F) basis. For purposes of the final official grade records of the School of Medicine, grades used for the first year and second year are as follows:

  • P = Pass, indicating satisfactory performance
  • F = Fail; any grade of F remains on the student's academic record. When the course is repeated or remediated the new grade will appear as a separate entry in addition to the failing grade.
  • L = Successful audit
  • NG = Course credit earned, students not graded
  • W = Withdrawal from a course
  • Z = Unsuccessful audit

Valid temporary grades include the following:

  • E = Temporary grade, makeup of failed exam pending
  • I = Incomplete, temporary grade pending completion of course requirements, replaced with an F if not removed within one year (In rare instances, the Committee on the Academic and Professional Evaluation of Students [CAPES] may grant an extension. Incomplete indicates that, because of a delay excused by the course director, the student has not completed the requirements to pass a course.)

II. Subsequent Years

For purposes of the final official grade records of the School of Medicine, the following grades are used for subsequent years:

  • H = Honors, reflecting a truly outstanding performance
  • HP = High Pass, awarded for excellent/very good work
  • P = Pass, indicating satisfactory performance
  • F = Fail (Any grade of F remains on the student's academic record. In clinical clerkships that have a subject examination, students must score at or above the 10th percentile of the national pool of students taking the examination to pass the clerkship. If a student fails a shelf examination for the second time in a third-year clerkship, an F is recorded on the permanent record.)

When the course is repeated or remediated, the new grade will appear as a separate entry in addition to the failing grade.

  • Cr/NCr = Credit/No Credit for select second- and fourth-year courses
  • L = Successful audit
  • NG = Course credit earned, students not graded
  • W = Withdrawal from a course
  • Z = Unsuccessful audit

Valid temporary grades include the following:

  • E = Temporary grade, makeup of failed exam pending (In clinical clerkships that have a subject examination, students must score at or above the 10th percentile of the national pool of students taking the examination to pass the clerkship. If a student fails the subject examination once, the grade of E will be recorded. Upon successfully retaking the subject examination, the new grade will replace the grade of E on the permanent academic record. If the shelf examination is failed a second time, the grade of F is recorded on the permanent academic record.)
  • I = Incomplete, temporary grade pending completion of course requirements, replaced with an F if not removed within one year (In rare instances, the CAPES may grant an extension. Incomplete indicates that, because of a delay excused by the course director, the student has not completed the requirements to pass a course.)

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