Ampersand Programs

Ampersand Programs are special multi-semester seminar programs open only to matriculating first-year students. An Ampersand Program combines a coherent, group-oriented learning experience with out-of-classroom activities while still allowing time for electives. There are no majors or minors available in this area.

Ampersand Programs change each year and have included such topics as 50 Years of Hip Hop; Biotech Explorers Pathway; Examining America; Global Citizenship Program; History, Memory & Representation of the Holocaust; Literary Culture of Modern Ireland; Law and Society; Medicine & Society; Mind, Brain, Behavior; Modern Media: The Good, the Bad, & the Future; Pathfinder Fellows in Environmental Leadership; Phage Hunters; Rethinking WashU's Relationship to Enslavement; Safe Asylum: Refugee Politics and Pathways; Shakespeare's Globe: All the World's a Stage; Text and Traditions; and The History and Culture of the Venetian Republic. Enrollment in each Ampersand Program is limited to ensure closely mentored personalized instruction. All Ampersand Programs constitute integrations and, therefore, fulfill one of the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree. Ampersand Programs are open to all Arts & Sciences students, regardless of their intended majors, and they complement any major or pre-professional curriculum.

Contact Info

Contact:Trevor Sangrey