
For students interested in discovering insights into nature, exploring new ways to meet the needs of our technological society, and learning new methods for creating novel compounds and useful materials, chemistry is an excellent major to pursue.

Chemistry is a multifaceted science that extends into biology, medicine, physics, mathematics, business, and commerce. Studying chemistry provides students with the opportunity to explore the structure and constitution of the microworlds of atoms and molecules, the chemical and physical transformations that occur there, and the principles that govern these changes.

Our program provides a strong foundation in the core areas of chemistry: organic, physical, inorganic, nuclear, and theoretical. Special emphases in the department include such emerging interdisciplinary fields as organometallic, bioorganic, biophysical, macromolecular, polymer, environmental, and materials chemistry. The department has close research ties with the departments of Physics; Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences; Biology; Biomedical Engineering; Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering; and Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science. It also works closely with various departments at the Washington University School of Medicine.

Undergraduate majors in chemistry study with renowned scientists who are teacher-scholars dedicated to the students' learning experiences. The department is small and has world-class instruments and facilities, which allow students to receive individualized instruction and to participate in cutting-edge science. Each student works closely with a faculty member to design and carry out an original research project. Students may participate in interdisciplinary research at the School of Medicine or the McKelvey School of Engineering. Research internships at local companies can also be arranged.

A variety of creative and productive careers are available to graduates with a degree in chemistry. Graduates may pursue a career in chemistry or in such related professions as biochemistry, medicine, and chemical engineering. Most students continue on to graduate or medical school, and some students go on to business or law school. Positions in government, industry, and education are also feasible career paths.

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