Film and Media Studies Major

Program Requirements

  • Total units required: 30

Required Courses

Film 220Introduction to Film Studies3
Film 225Making Movies3
or Film 352 Introduction to Screenwriting
Film 330History of American Cinema3
Film 340History of World Cinema3
Film 350History of Electronic Media3
Film 420Film Theory3
Total Units18

Elective Courses

In addition to these required courses, students must take 12 credits in advanced electives (300 level or higher). All students must take one 3-credit elective that focuses on a national cinema other than that of the United States. In addition, all students must take one 3-credit critical studies elective at the 400 level or above. A 400-level elective in a national cinema may satisfy both of these elective requirements, but a total of 12 units in electives is still required. Electives in critical studies may be drawn from courses on individual directors, specific genres, limited historical periods, individual crafts (e.g., acting), and so on. Students with an interest in production may count two production and/or screenwriting courses toward the major within these 12 elective units.

A total of 6 Film & Media Studies–approved units can be applied for credit toward this program from study abroad work at the 300 level or higher: 3 units can be applied to the national cinema elective, and the other 3 units would count toward the remaining 9 units of advanced electives.

The program allows Film & Media Studies–approved transfer credits from other universities for advanced electives.

Additional Information

Senior Honors (Film 499) is intended for majors pursuing honors in Film and Media Studies. In order to enroll for this course, students must apply in advance for honors, possess a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.65, and be approved by a faculty committee.

A grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward the major.

Contact Info

Contact:Pat Henry