Film and Media Studies Major, Film and Media Production Specialization

Program Requirements

  • Total units required: 36

Required Courses

Film 220Introduction to Film Studies3
Film 225Making Movies3
Film 330History of American Cinema3
Film 340History of World Cinema3
Film 350History of Electronic Media3
Film 352Introduction to Screenwriting3
Film 420Film Theory3
Total Units21

Elective Courses

The specialization in film and media production provides majors in Film and Media Studies with the opportunity to enhance their skills in and knowledge of various forms of moving image media creative production. The student must also complete 15 credit units of electives consisting of the following:

  1. One 3-credit critical studies course in a national or regional (non-U.S.) cinema at the 300 or 400 level (required of all majors)
  2. One 3-credit critical studies course at the 400 level (screenwriting or production does not count toward this requirement)
  3. 9 units total credit or three 3-credit electives in digital or film production or screenwriting (3 credits may be for courses at the 200 level or above; 6 credits must be for courses at the 300 level or above)

Courses taken in overseas study are eligible to be used to satisfy the above C category for up to a total of 6 credit units with permission of the Film and Media Studies overseas advisor. Courses offered by another academic department or school at Washington University may be accepted in the above C category for up to 6 credit units with the prior permission of the student's Film and Media Studies advisor. A minimum of C- must be earned for any course to count toward the 36 credit units required for the film and media production specialization.

A total of 6 Film & Media Studies–approved units can be applied for credit toward this program from study abroad work. If the course was production-based, 3 units can be applied toward the production electives at the 200 level or higher. If the course was not production-based, 3 units can be applied to the national cinema elective, and the other 3 units would count toward the remaining 12 units of advanced electives.

The program allows Film & Media Studies–approved transfer credits from other universities for advanced electives.

Additional Information

Senior Honors (Film 499) is intended for majors pursuing honors in Film and Media Studies. In order to enroll for this course, students must apply in advance for honors, possess a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.65, and be approved by a faculty committee.

A grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward the major.

Contact Info

Contact:Pat Henry