Religious Studies Major

Program Requirements

  • Total units required: 30; 24 must be at the 300 level or higher

Religious Studies follows the Arts & Sciences minimum grade requirement of C- for courses that apply to the major.

Required Courses

Re St 102Thinking About Religion3
Re St 368Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion3
Total Units6

Senior Capstone Experience

During their senior year, religious studies majors are required to take Re St 479 Senior Seminar in Religious Studies or Re St 404 Material Religion for 3 units of credit. Alternatively, students can fulfill the capstone requirement by writing a Senior Honors thesis.

Elective Courses

All majors must take at least seven courses (21 units; 18 must be at the 300 level or higher), chosen in consultation with their major advisor, that fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Broad coverage of religious traditions: Majors explore various religions by taking at least one course in four different traditions (e.g., Judaism, history of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, East Asian religions, South Asian religions, religion in the Americas).
  2. Course concentrations: Majors focus their interests on a single religious tradition or theme by creating two course series: a three-course series and a two-course series.

Note: An elective course can count toward the fulfillment of both A and B.

Additional Information

Senior Honors

Qualified majors are encouraged to apply for Senior Honors. Applications are available on the Religious Studies website and are due prior to the end of the junior year. Students wishing to pursue this option need to meet the minimum honors requirements stated in this Bulletin and to satisfactorily complete, during their last two semesters, Re St 498 Independent Work for Senior Honors I and Re St 499 Independent Work for Senior Honors II. Full guidelines are available on the Religious Studies website.

Transfer Credit

A maximum of 6 units of course work completed elsewhere — whether at another college or university or through a Washington University-approved study abroad program — may be applied toward the major. Credit will be awarded only for those courses that have been approved by the Religious Studies program.

Contact Info

Contact:Tia Crook