Educational Studies Minor

Program Requirements

  • Total units required: 18

Required Courses

Note: The frequencies of the course offerings are designated by the following symbols:

(+) Offered every semester in recent years (pending faculty availability)
(*) Offered at least once a year or once every other year in recent years
(-) Offered less frequently in recent years

  • Discipline-Based Study (two courses required; 6 units):
Educ 304Educational Psychology (+)3
Educ 453BSociology of Education (+)3
Educ 459FPhilosophies of Education (*)3
Educ 462Politics of Education (*)3
Educ 4621The Political Economy of Urban Education (*)3
Educ 481WHistory of Education in the United States (*)3
  • Individual Processes of Education (one course required; 3 units):
Educ 4023Second Language Acquisition & Technology (-)3
Educ 4052Educational Psychology: A Focus on Teaching and Learning (+)3
Educ 4055Central Topics in Psychological Research on Teaching and Learning (*)3
Educ 408Education and Psychology of Exceptional Children (+)3
Educ 433WComplex Learning in Education (*)3
Educ 461BConstruction and Experience of Black Adolescence (-)3
Educ 4692Reading Across Languages and Cultures: Theory, Reserach, and Practice (-)3
  • Social Context of Education (one course required; 3 units):
Educ 301CThe American School (+)3
Educ 303Gender and Education (*)3
Educ 313BEducation, Childhood, Adolescence, and Society (+)3
Educ 314Sociolinguistics, Literacies, Schools, and Communities (*)3
Educ 4033Video Microanalysis: Methods and Tools (-)3
Educ 4111Linguistics and Language Learning (*)3
Educ 4280History of Urban Schooling in the United States (-)3
Educ 4288History of Higher Education in American Culture (*)3
Educ 4289Neighborhoods, Schools, and Social Inequality (*)3
Educ 4511Race, Ethnicity, and Culture: Critical Qualitative Understandings of Urban Education (*)3
Educ 4608The Education of Black Children and Youth in the United States (*)3
Educ 489Education and Public Policy in the United States (-)3

Elective Courses

In addition to the four courses (12 credits) completed from the areas of Discipline-Based Study, Individual Processes of Education, and Social Context of Education, students must complete two elective courses (6 credits), which may be satisfied by the following:

  • Any course listed in the tables above
  • Educ 299 Internship in Education for a letter grade
  • Students can consult with the Director of Educational Studies regarding additional courses offered by or cross-listed in the Department of Education and courses offered outside of the Department of Education that address educational topics and issues.

Additional Information

  • All courses for the Educational Studies minor must be taken for a letter grade, and per Arts & Sciences requirements, students must earn at least a C- for course work to count toward the minor.
  • All students must complete a 100-, 200-, or 300-level Education course before enrolling in a 400-level course. Exceptions may be granted through permission of the 400-level course instructor.
  • All courses for minor credit in Educational Studies should be taken after the student has declared the minor as a student at Washington University. Exceptions, up to 6 transfer credits, may be granted on an individual basis.

Study Abroad

  • Courses taken abroad for the Educational Studies minor must be equivalent to 300-level or 400-level courses at Washington University. 
  • Students may transfer up to 6 credits earned abroad with the approval of the Department of Education Study Abroad Advisor.
  • Courses taken abroad do not necessarily serve as substitutes for specific Educational Studies courses. Rather, courses are reviewed holistically to determine if they address the Individual Processes of Education and/or Social Context of Education (two areas of study for the Educational Studies minor). Any study abroad course determined to address the Individual Processes of Education and/or Social Context of Education can also count for an elective. 
  • Study Abroad courses cannot count for a discipline-based requirement.

Visit the Education page
for additional information about this program.

Contact Info

Contact:Alyssa McDonald