Mathematics Minor

Program Requirements

  • Total units required: 27

Required Courses

CSE 131Introduction to Computer Science3
Math 131Calculus I3
Math 132Calculus II3
Math 233Calculus III3
Math 309Matrix Algebra3
or Math 429 Linear Algebra
Math 310Foundations for Higher Mathematics (or any 400-level course with Math 310 or Math 310W as a prerequisite)3
or Math 310W Foundations For Higher Mathematics With Writing
Three additional upper-level electives (any 300- or 400-level course in the Department of Mathematics)9
Total Units27

All required courses (both lower- and upper-level courses) must be completed with a letter grade of C– or better.

Additional Information

Course Substitutions

At most one approved substitution can be made using a course not home-based in the Department of Mathematics.

Any course from another department that is cross-listed as a mathematics L24 course can count as an upper-level elective. Examples include Math 493C ProbabilityMath 495C Stochastic ProcessesMath 501C Theoretical PhysicsMath 502C Methods of Theoretical Physics II, and Math 523C Information Theory. Such L24 courses always end with a "C."

In general, the following courses can count as upper-level mathematics electives:

Additional Requirements

  1. A student cannot declare more than one major or minor in the department. This restriction includes dual majors, such as Mathematics and Economics and Mathematics and Computer Science. These majors are considered "in the department" even if they are declared in another department.
  2. No upper-level course used to satisfy a minor requirement can be counted toward the requirements of any other major or minor (i.e., no double-counting of courses).
  3. At most, 3 units of independent study or research work can count toward the minor requirements.
  4. Students may count courses from the Department of Statistics and Data Science (SDS) as Mathematics courses if at least one of the following conditions holds:
    1. The course is cross-listed in the Department of Mathematics (e.g., Math 493C and Math 495C are cross-listed versions of SDS 493 and SDS 495).
    2. The student matriculated in 2023-24 or earlier and the course was previously offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, as reflected by the student’s matriculation-year Bulletin.
  5. At most one of the following courses can be used to fulfill minor requirements: Math 308 Mathematics for the Physical Sciences or Math 318 Introduction to Calculus of Several Variables.
  6. Courses transferred from other accredited colleges and universities can be counted, with the following caveats, if they receive department approval:
    1. Courses transferred from a two-year college (e.g., a community college) cannot be used to satisfy upper-level requirements.
    2. At least half of the upper-level units required in a minor must be earned at Washington University or in a Washington University–approved overseas study program.
    3. Courses from the School of Continuing & Professional Studies cannot be used to fulfill minor requirements.

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