Philosophy Minor

Program Requirements

  • Total units required: 18

Required Courses

Philosophy minors are required to complete at least 12 units at the 300 level or above, which must include at least one course in each of the following three core areas:

Contemporary/Analytic Philosophy

Phil 306GPhilosophy of Language3
Phil 3113Theory of Knowledge3
Phil 315Philosophy of Mind3
Phil 321GPhilosophy of Science3
Phil 3481Introduction to Metaphysics3
Phil 361Philosophy of Emotions3

History of Philosophy

Phil 347CAncient Philosophy3
Phil 349CDescartes to Hume3
Phil 357CKant and 19th-Century Philosophy3
Phil 358Conceptual Foundations of Modern Science3

Value Theory

Phil 331FClassical Ethical Theories3
Phil 339FPhilosophy of the Arts3
Phil 340FSocial and Political Philosophy3
Phil 345FIssues in Applied Ethics3
Phil 346Philosophy of Law3
Phil 361Philosophy of Emotions3

Additional Information

Minors are encouraged to take the writing-intensive course Phil 390 Philosophical Writing. A philosophy minor must receive a grade of C- or higher in each course. Many philosophy courses can also be taken as part of a minor in history, philosophy of science, or legal studies.

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