Statistics Minor

Program Requirements

  • Total units required: 27
    • Six required courses
    • Three elective courses (from list)

Required Courses

CSE 131Introduction to Computer Science3
Math 131Calculus I3
Math 132Calculus II3
Math 233Calculus III3
Math 309Matrix Algebra3
or Math 429 Linear Algebra
SDS 3200Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis3
or SDS 494 Mathematical Statistics
Three upper-level statistics electives chosen from the list below9
Total Units27

Statistics Electives

SDS 322Biostatistics3
SDS 420Experimental Design3
SDS 434Survival Analysis3
SDS 439Linear Statistical Models3
SDS 4392Advanced Linear Statistical Models3
SDS 459Bayesian Statistics3
SDS 460Multivariate Statistical Analysis3
SDS 461Time Series Analysis3
SDS 462Mathematical Foundations of Big Data3
SDS 475Statistical Computation3
SDS 493Probability3
SDS 494Mathematical Statistics3
SDS 495Stochastic Processes3
SDS 496Topics in Statistics3
SDS 5061Theory of Statistics I3
SDS 5062Theory of Statistics II3
SDS 5071Advanced Linear Models I3
SDS 5072Advanced Linear Models II3
SDS 5531Advanced Statistical Computing I3
SDS 5532Advanced Statistical Computing II3
SDS 5595Topics in Statistics: Spatial Statistics3
SDS 579Topics in Statistics3
SDS 586Topics in Statistics3

Additional Information

  1. All required courses (both lower- and upper-level courses) must be completed with a letter grade of C- or better.
  2. Math 318 Introduction to Calculus of Several Variables and Math 308 Mathematics for the Physical Sciences cannot both be used to fulfill minor requirements.
  3. Courses transferred from other accredited colleges and universities can be counted with department approval and with the following caveats:
    1. Courses transferred from a two-year college (e.g., a community college) cannot be used to satisfy upper-level requirements.
    2. At least 6 of the upper-level units required in a minor must be earned at Washington University or in a Washington University-approved overseas study program.
    3. Courses from the School of Continuing & Professional Studies cannot be used to fulfill minor requirements.
  4. No upper-level course used to satisfy a minor requirement can be counted toward the requirements of any other major or minor (i.e., no double-counting of courses).
  5. At most, one approved upper-level course from another department may be used for the upper-level courses for the minor.

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