The Second Major in Financial Engineering

A second major in financial engineering is ideal for students who are interested in careers or graduate study in financial engineering, quantitative finance, or related fields. This program covers classes in engineering, computer science, and business. Students interested in the second major must have a 3.3 or higher grade point average to pursue this second major, which includes the cumulative GPA, the Business GPA, and the Engineering GPA. Students must complete 30 total units (15 Engineering units and 15 Olin Business units).

Background Course Work15
CSE 131Introduction to Computer Science3
ESE 326Probability and Statistics for Engineering3
or DAT 121 Managerial Statistics II
or Econ 413 Introduction to Econometrics
or Econ 413W Introduction to Econometrics with Writing
or SDS 439 Linear Statistical Models
or SDS 493 Probability
Math 217Differential Equations3
or ESE 217 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Modeling in Engineering
or Math 312 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Math 233Calculus III3
Math 309Matrix Algebra3
or ESE 2180 Linear Algebra and Component Analysis
or Math 429 Linear Algebra

Students must complete 15 Engineering units. At least 6 of those units must be from the Engineering Core Courses:

Engineering Core Courses
ESE 415Optimization3
ESE 417Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Classification3
or CSE 417T Introduction to Machine Learning
ESE 4261Statistical Methods for Data Analysis with Applications to Financial Engineering3
ESE 427Financial Mathematics *3
Engineering Elective Courses
CSE 247Data Structures and Algorithms3
ESE 4031Optimization for Engineered Planning, Decisions and Operations3
ESE 513Large-Scale Optimization for Data Science3
ESE 520Probability and Stochastic Processes3

Students must complete 15 Olin Business units, including all 9 units of Olin Professional Core Courses and 6 elective units.

Olin Professional Core Courses9
ACCT 2610Principles of Financial Accounting3
FIN 340Capital Markets and Financial Management3
FIN 441Investments3
Olin Electives6
FIN 450FFinancial Technology: Methods and Practice3
FIN 451Options, Futures and Derivative Securities *3
FIN 452Advanced Derivative Securities3
FIN 500QQuantitative Risk Management3
FIN 500RTopics in Quantitative Finance1.5
FIN 532BData Analysis for Investments1.5
FIN 539Mathematical Finance1.5
FIN 552Fixed Income Derivatives1.5

At least one of FIN 451 or ESE 427 must be taken to complete the second major. ESE 427, if taken after FIN 340, can be used to satisfy the FIN 451 prerequisite of Olin elective courses.

For more information, contact the director of the program, Vladimir Kurenok.

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