Department of Anesthesiology

Anesthesiology is a medical specialty encompassing a broad range of medical and scientific activities. The clinical practice of anesthesiology includes the following:

  1. Assessment of, consultation for and preparation of patients for anesthesia and surgery;
  2. Provision of insensibility to pain during surgical, obstetric, therapeutic and diagnostic procedures;
  3. Monitoring and restoration of physiologic homeostasis during the perioperative period as well as homeostasis in the critically ill or seriously injured patient;
  4. Diagnosis and treatment of painful syndromes; and
  5. Clinical management and teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The realm of scientific investigation in anesthesiology also spans a broad range. Scientific efforts at the cellular and molecular levels are directed toward understanding the molecular mechanisms of anesthesia and analgesia. Clinical research in anesthesia includes broad epidemiological approaches to identifying indicators of outcome as well as prospective clinical studies examining new technologies, anesthetic agents and methods.

The Department of Anesthesiology presents the student with the opportunity to do the following:

  1. Acquire and apply pharmacologic knowledge related to anesthetic agents, opioids, paralytic and sedative drugs, and drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system;
  2. Understand and apply the basic principles of airway management and mechanical ventilation;
  3. Understand and apply the principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
  4. Understand and apply the technical skills and anatomic and pharmacologic knowledge used in performing regional nerve blocks;
  5. Learn and apply the fundamental principles of acute and chronic pain management; and
  6. Learn and apply the basic principles of critical care medicine.

Anesthesiology bridges the gap between basic science and clinical medicine. It provides experience with the clinical evaluation and management of patients as well as with applied physiology and pharmacology. The Department of Anesthesiology offers student experiences in the operating room, the intensive care unit, the pain management clinic and the laboratory.

Contact Info

Contact:Maureen Arends