
The Department of Education at Washington University in St. Louis is an interdisciplinary community that bridges the theoretical and research foundations of education, traditional academic disciplines (e.g., sociology, psychology, history), and the professional practice of education. Our academic programs span a variety of disciplinary perspectives, methodological approaches (e.g., quantitative, qualitative), and levels of analysis ranging from the individual to complex systems. Each of us works from a disciplinary perspective, but we embrace and utilize other perspectives because such disciplinary synergies are critical to understanding and impacting the complex world of education. Individually and as a community, we are working to change education and other systems that perpetuate inequity and inequality. Our departmental theme of “Equalizing Educational Opportunity: Equity, Inclusion, and Success in Classrooms, Schools, and Communities” encapsulates this work.

Whether a student's goal is to teach young minds, discover how humans learn, or better understand educational institutions and policies, the Department of Education offers students a chance to explore their interests, develop their skills, and begin their journey to a rewarding career through undergraduate programs in Educational Studies and Teacher Education. Our academic programming views the learning pathway as part of a broader transdisciplinary framework of development and well-being. Conditions associated with education and youth development represent a problem space where persistent engagement and planning across political boundaries, health care providers, youth-serving organizations, and educational institutions are critical. We offer a vibrant student-centered community in which faculty and staff are invested in the mentoring and success of students. Many of our classes are smaller and thus allow for meaningful interactions with the education community.

The Department of Education offers an undergraduate major and minor in Educational Studies for persons interested in the study of educational processes and institutions. Students in the Educational Studies program apply the perspectives and methods of a number of disciplines to questions about educational institutions, educational processes, and the social and cultural factors that affect them. 

The Department of Education also offers undergraduate majors in Teacher Education with elementary, middle school, and secondary specializations in addition to a 4/1 Accelerated AB/MAT Degree Program for undergraduates at Washington University in St. Louis. The elementary, middle school, and secondary teacher education programs are designed to produce teachers who take an inquiry-oriented approach to education. Based upon the belief that teaching is a complex normative and changing activity, teacher education is viewed as an on-going, problem-solving process as opposed to a search for the "one right" answer or "one best" way. 

Contact Info

Contact:Alyssa McDonald