Public Health & Society Minor

Program Requirements

  • Total units required: 18

Required Courses

LPH LPHS 1000Foundations in Public Health3
LPH LPHS 2000Introduction to Public and Global Health3
LPH LPHS 3000Public Health Theories, Models, and Frameworks3
Total Units9

Elective Courses

Students select 9 credits of elective courses from any one of the five different elective categories listed below. At least one course must be from the "Social, Cultural, and Historical Analysis of Health, Illness, and Wellness" category.

Social, Cultural, and Historical Analysis of Health, Illness, and Wellness (SCH) Electives

AFAS 3672Medicine, Healing and Experimentation in the Contours of Black History3
AMCS 3755Disability, Quality of Life & Community Responsibility3
Anthro 3090Cultures of Health in Latin America3
Anthro 3151Evolution of the Human Diet3
Anthro 3201Gender, Culture, and Madness3
Anthro 3280Anthropology of Infectious Diseases3
Anthro 3310Health, Healing and Ethics: Introduction to Medical Anthropology3
Anthro 3621Anthropology of Human Birth3
Anthro 3625The Female Life-Cycle in Cross-Cultural Perspective3
Anthro 3860Sports, Health, and Society3
Anthro 3875Pharmaceutical Personhood3
Anthro 3885Global Mental Health3
Anthro 4003Interrogating Health, Race, and Inequalities: Public Health, Medical Anthropology, and History3
Anthro 4022Transnational Reproductive Health Issues: Meanings, Technologies, Practices3
Anthro 4110Pushing Daisies: The Anthropology of Death and Dying3
Anthro 4134The AIDS Epidemic: Inequalities, Ethnography, and Ethics3
Classics 3801Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine3
Classics 4700Ancient Greek and Roman Gynecology3
Econ 352Health Economics3
E Lit 391WLiterature and Medicine3
GeSt 249Images of Disability in Film and Literature3
GeSt 375Disability, Quality of Life & Community Responsibility3
GS 3006Global Health and Language3
History 1640Health and Disease in World History3
History 3044Humors, Pox and Plague: Medieval and Early Modern Medicine3
History 3067Topics in the History of Medicine: History of Madness3
History 3715Unruly Populations: Biopolitics in 20th-Century Europe3
History 4881Advanced Seminar: Mad: Mental Illness, Power and Resistance in Africa and the Caribbean3
History 4885Advanced Seminar: Medicine, Disease and Empire3
Ital 408Disease, Madness, and Death Italian Style3
MPH 5322TPS: Interrogating Health, Race & Inequalities3
MPH 5372TPS: Gender, Poverty, and Global Health3
MedH 307Writing and Medicine3
MedH 214Medical French3
MedH 323Topics II: In-Perspective: Phobias3
MedH 408Disease, Madness, and Death Italian Style3
Phil 233FBiomedical Ethics3
Phil 3001Philosophy of Medicine3
SOC 2510Sociological Approaches to American Health Care3
SOC 2520Inequality By Design: Understanding Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities3
WGSS 310From Hysteria to Hysterectomy: Women's Health Care in America3
WGSS 3041Making Sex and Gender: Understanding the History of the Body3
WGSS 3141The Racial and Sexual Politics of Public Health3
WGSS 316Feminist Health Studies3
WGSS 3203Bodies Out of Bounds: Feminist and Queer Disability Studies3
WGSS 360Trans Studies3
WGSS 3622Women, Health, and Media3
WGSS 414Gender, Religion, Medicine and Science3
Writing 307Writing and Medicine3

Global Health (GH) Electives

Anthro 3090Cultures of Health in Latin America3
Anthro 3201Gender, Culture, and Madness3
Anthro 3280Anthropology of Infectious Diseases3
Anthro 3310Health, Healing and Ethics: Introduction to Medical Anthropology3
Anthro 3612Population and Society3
Anthro 3621Anthropology of Human Birth3
Anthro 3625The Female Life-Cycle in Cross-Cultural Perspective3
Anthro 3860Sports, Health, and Society3
Anthro 3880Multispecies Worlds: Animals, Global Health, and Environment3
Anthro 4003Interrogating Health, Race, and Inequalities: Public Health, Medical Anthropology, and History3
Anthro 4022Transnational Reproductive Health Issues: Meanings, Technologies, Practices3
Anthro 3885Global Mental Health3
Anthro 4110Pushing Daisies: The Anthropology of Death and Dying3
Anthro 4134The AIDS Epidemic: Inequalities, Ethnography, and Ethics3
Anthro 4312Environmental Interactions and Human Health3
GS 3006Global Health and Language3
History 3672Medicine, Healing and Experimentation in the Contours of Black History3
MPH 5001Health Behavior and Health Promotion3
MPH 5102Global Health3
MPH 5321TPS: Global Nutrition and the Environment: Foods Systems in a Changing World3
MPH 5322TPS: Interrogating Health, Race & Inequalities3
MPH 5323TPS: Climate Change and Public Health3
MPH 5372TPS: Gender, Poverty, and Global Health3
MPH 5374TPS: Global Reproductive Health3
MPH 5383TPS: Climate Crisis: Understanding Complexity and Advocacy for Global Health Professionals3
SOC 2520Inequality By Design: Understanding Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities3
WGSS 3141The Racial and Sexual Politics of Public Health3
WGSS 316Feminist Health Studies3
WGSS 360Trans Studies3
WGSS 414Gender, Religion, Medicine and Science3

Biological Approaches to Health and Physiology (BAP) Electives

Anthro 307AHuman Variation3
Anthro 3280Anthropology of Infectious Diseases3
Anthro 3621Anthropology of Human Birth3
Anthro 3625The Female Life-Cycle in Cross-Cultural Perspective3
Anthro 365Human Growth and Development3
Anthro 3876Darwin and Doctors: Evolutionary Medicine and Health3
Anthro 4202Anthropological Genetics3
Anthro 4581Principles of Human Anatomy and Development3
Anthro 459Human Osteology3
Anthro 4591Human Functional Morphology3
Anthro 4595Developmental Plasticity and Human Health3
Anthro 4596Biomarkers: Measuring Population Health, Reproductive, and Social Endocrinology3
Biol 2111Nutrition3
Biol 303AHuman Biology3
Biol 3151Endocrinology3
Biol 324Human Genetics3
Biol 328Principles in Human Physiology4
Biol 3411Principles of the Nervous System3
Biol 3421Introduction to Neuroethology3
Biol 3422Genes, Brains, and Behavior3
Biol 3481Parasitology3
Biol 4195Disease Ecology4
Biol 424Immunology4
Biol 4242Virology3
Biol 4310Biology of Aging3
Biol 4492Infectious Diseases: History, Pathology, and Prevention3
Biol 4715Basic Cancer Biology3
Psych 305Health Psychology3
Psych 321Developmental Psychology3
Psych 325Psychology of Adolescence3
Psych 326Introduction to the Psychology of Aging3
Psych 330Sensation and Perception3
Psych 344Principles of the Nervous System3
Psych 345Genes, Environment, and Human Behavior3
Psych 354Psychopathology and Mental Health3
Psych 3604Cognitive Neuroscience3
Psych 427Social Gerontology3
Psych 4557Biopsychosocial Aspects of Eating Disorders and Obesity3
Psych 4765Inside the Disordered Brain: Biological Bases of the Major Mental Disorders3

Environmental Health and Environmental Issues (EH/EI) Electives

Anthro 307AHuman Variation3
Anthro 361Culture and Environment3
Anthro 3618Urban Ecological Anthropology3
Anthro 365Human Growth and Development3
Anthro 3876Darwin and Doctors: Evolutionary Medicine and Health3
Anthro 3880Multispecies Worlds: Animals, Global Health, and Environment3
Anthro 4194Primate Ecoimmunology3
Anthro 4202Anthropological Genetics3
Anthro 4215Anthropology of Food3
Anthro 4285Environmental Archaeology3
Anthro 4312Environmental Interactions and Human Health3
Anthro 459Human Osteology3
Anthro 4591Human Functional Morphology3
Anthro 4595Developmental Plasticity and Human Health3
Anthro 4596Biomarkers: Measuring Population Health, Reproductive, and Social Endocrinology3
Anthro 4803Advanced GIS Modeling and Landscape Analysis3
Biol 2111Nutrition3
Biol 3151Endocrinology3
Biol 324Human Genetics3
Biol 328Principles in Human Physiology4
Biol 3481Parasitology3
Biol 4195Disease Ecology4
Biol 424Immunology4
Biol 4492Infectious Diseases: History, Pathology, and Prevention3
Biol 4715Basic Cancer Biology3
Econ 451Environmental Policy3
EnSt 583Introduction to Spatial Epidemiology3
MPH 5005Environmental Health3
MPH 5321TPS: Global Nutrition and the Environment: Foods Systems in a Changing World3
MPH 5323TPS: Climate Change and Public Health3
MPH 5335TPS: From the Inside-Out: Public Health & The Built Environment3
MPH 5383TPS: Climate Crisis: Understanding Complexity and Advocacy for Global Health Professionals3

Health Research Methods (HRM) Electives

Anthro 373Introduction to GIS for Anthropologists3
Anthro 380Applications in GIS3
Anthro 4123Argumentation Through Ethnography3
Anthro 4394The Connected World: Social Networks in Anthropology3
Anthro 4452In the Field: Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods3
Anthro 4481Writing Culture3
Anthro 4596Biomarkers: Measuring Population Health, Reproductive, and Social Endocrinology3
Anthro 4803Advanced GIS Modeling and Landscape Analysis3
Biol 3100R Workshop in Biology1
Econ 451Environmental Policy3
EnSt 583Introduction to Spatial Epidemiology3
MPH 5002Epidemiology3
MPH 5003Biostatistics3
MPH 5011Epidemiology Methods3
MPH 5117Translating Epidemiology Into Policy3
MPH 5121Quantitative Methods for Health Policy Analysis3
SOC 3030Introduction to Research Methods3
SDS 322Biostatistics3
SDS 3211Statistics for Data Science I3
SDS 4211Statistics for Data Science II3
Writing 307Writing and Medicine3

Additional Information

  • All courses must be letter-graded and completed with a grade of C or better. 
  • At least 9 credits must be at the 3000 level or above. 
  • Only one course (3 credits) may be completed through an approved study abroad program.

Contact Info

Contact:Kirsten Jacobsen