Year One Courses for Beyond Boundaries Students
Beyond Boundaries Seminar (2 credits total)
The Beyond Boundaries Seminar is designed to support the student’s development in interdisciplinary thinking and collaborative problem solving. Over the course of two semesters, students will engage in discussions, workshops, skill-building exercises, and panel presentations to grow their skills and knowledge in these areas. Over the course of the academic year, we will ask the following questions:
- What role(s) do I want to play on collaborative problem-solving teams?
- What skills, knowledge, and partnerships are necessary for interdisciplinary work?
- How can I use my time at Washington University to grow these skills?
The knowledge gained is designed to contribute to academic success, personal development, and a more rewarding social and academic experience over the course of the college experience. This is a 1-credit course that is offered during both the fall and spring semesters during the first year of the program.
I60 BEYOND 100 Beyond Boundaries Seminar
The Beyond Boundaries Seminar is designed to support student's development in interdisciplinary thinking and collaborative problem solving. Over the course of two semesters, students will engage in discussions, workshops, skill building exercises and panel presentations to grow their skills and knowledge in these areas. Over the course of the academic year we will ask the following questions: 1. What role(s) do I want to play on collaborative problem-solving teams? 2. What skills and knowledge are necessary for interdisciplinary work? 3. How can I use my time at Washington University to grow these skills? This course is required for all first-year students in the Beyond Boundaries program and open only to first-year students in the Beyond Boundaries program.
Credit 1 unit. A&S: FYBB
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College Writing (3 credits)
During the fall semester of the first year, Beyond Boundaries Program students will take a 3-unit common College Writing course; this is a requirement for most first-year students at Washington University. This course will focus on basic writing skills and communication across disciplines.
Beyond Boundaries Courses (3 credits each, open to all first-year students)
In addition to the courses mentioned above, first-year students in the Beyond Boundaries Program will be required to complete two Beyond Boundaries courses (over the course of their first year), for which they will have priority enrollment.
Beyond Boundaries courses, which are funded by the Office of the Provost and offered to first-year students only, are designed to prepare students for a rapidly evolving world characterized by social, political, scientific, and economic challenges that cannot be solved using knowledge from a single discipline. Team-taught by faculty from different schools across Washington University, Beyond Boundaries courses offer a window into how scholars from different disciplines approach big, critical topics such as our aging population, the nature of creativity, the phenomenon of climate change, and the art of medicine.
I60 BEYOND 101 Earth's Future: Causes and Consequences of Global Climate Change
Earth's Future: Causes and Consequences of Global Climate Change examines the following: 1) the physical basis for climate change; 2) how climates are changing and how we know and assess that climates are changing; and 3) the effects of climate change on natural and human systems. The course is team-taught and will involve participation by scholars across the university with expertise in specific subjects. This is a broad introductory course for first-year students, and it presumes no special subject matter knowledge on the part of the student. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only.
Credit 3 units. A&S: FYBB
Arch: NSM
Art: NSM
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I60 BEYOND 102 The Business of Elections
This course will focus on understanding the primary and presidential elections -- particularly the 2024 election -- through a multidisciplinary approach that primarily involves political science and business. Campaigns are start-ups that rely on strategy, branding, influencing consumers (voters), financing and other concepts to achieve the election of their candidate. At the same time, American politics is highly polarized, with voters who are increasingly hostile to listening to the other side. Given this context, how does a campaign succeed as an entrepreneurial venture? This course will allow students to compare and contrast how different candidates' policies and platforms may affect different constituencies/sectors of the business/labor world as well as the economy, how the media portrays them, and what role they will play in the general election. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only. Students who are not first-year students will be automatically unenrolled from this course.
Credit 3 units. Arch: SSC
Art: SSC
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I60 BEYOND 105 The Endgame of Entrepreneurship: Leveraging Capitalism for Good
Historically, profit has been a key driver of human behavior. In this course, students will learn to take advantage of the profit-seeking motive of capitalism while also learning from the mistakes and unintended consequences capitalism has caused throughout history. Students will apply these learnings toward profit-seeking solutions for the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, which are global challenges that call us to work together with boldness and urgency. We will explore how skills from entrepreneurship and venture creation can be used to improve water, climate, education and gender equality globally and here in St. Louis. In interdisciplinary teams, students will learn how to define a problem; listen to customers, competitors and collaborators; create value; measure impact; and communicate their vision. Bold entrepreneurial spirit and skills learned in this course will guide students in their further studies at Washington University and beyond. This course does not count for Economics major/minor elective credit. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only.
Credit 3 units. A&S: FYBB
Arch: SSC
Art: SSC
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I60 BEYOND 115 Environmental Racism and the Health of Everyone
Environmental inequalities threaten the health and well-being of low-income communities and communities of color who are increasingly on the frontlines in the fight against climate change, air and water pollution, food security, and many other urgent environmental problems. Like many urban areas, the St. Louis region faces egregious social, environmental and health disparities. In this course, we critically examine the role of racism and other structural policy inequalities that produce unequal environments and how those unequal environments contribute to public health disparities in St. Louis and beyond. We explore the use of public health data, policy options, and case studies that allow for evidence-based solutions to environmental racism and improved population health. This course that combines small group sessions, case studies and speakers working on environmental justice in the St. Louis region. We provide students with interdisciplinary perspectives and methods, challenging them to address racism and environmental policy through a population health lens. Student learning will be assessed through case studies, reflections, online assignments, and exams. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only. Students who are not first year students will be unenrolled from this course.
Credit 3 units. A&S: FYBB
Arch: ETH, S, SEM
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I60 BEYOND 120 Religious Freedom in America
The intersection of religion and law in American society has sparked some of the fiercest cultural engagements in recent memory: Should a for-profit religious corporation have a right not to fund birth control for its employees? Can a public college expel campus religious groups whose membership is not open to all students? May a Muslim in prison grow a beard for religious reasons? Should a cake baker or a florist be permitted to refuse services for a gay wedding? Can a church hire and fire its ministers for any reason? These current debates and the issues that frame them are interwoven in the American story. This course introduces students to the major texts and historical arguments underlying that story. Drawing from the respective expertise of the instructors, the course will expose students to a variety of scholarly methods related to the issue: legal history and case law, intellectual history and canonical texts, social history and narrative accounts, and political philosophy and contemporary analyses. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only.
Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM, SC
Arch: HUM
Art: HUM
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I60 BEYOND 123 When I'm 64: Preparing Ourselves and Society for a Good Long Life
Whether you know it or not, you're living in the midst of a revolution — a revolution that is going to change your personal and professional lives. Although old age may seem a long way off, you'll likely live to age 80 or beyond, with a 50% chance of seeing your 100th birthday. The demographic revolution you're going to live through will change the health care you receive, the house you live in, the car you drive, the jobs you do, and the relationships you have. This course will give you a competitive edge in understanding how you can harness what's happening to shape your career and lifestyle. In class, you'll be introduced to leaders and ideas from many fields — medicine, engineering, architecture, public health, social work, law, business, art, and psychology — focused on the issues of our aging society. There will also be opportunities to tailor the class to your interests through events on and off campus, including movies, lectures, performances, field trips, and community projects. Each week, we'll gather for lectures and also break into small groups for discussion. This course will set you on a path to lead the aging revolution and transform the society of tomorrow.
Credit 3 units.
I60 BEYOND 125 St. Louis and the Documentary Image
From magazines to maps to documentary movies and TV, we look to pictures to tell us the truth. But no image is ever completely objective; every visual reflection of the real world is mediated by technology, culture, politics, and memory. How do we—as viewers, as creators, as people—sort out the complicated claims pictures make on the world around us? Drawing on collaborations between four areas in two schools—Visual Arts, English, American Culture Studies, Film and Media Studies—this class will introduce students to theories and practices of visual nonfiction within the city of St. Louis. Through immersive, site-specific course units focused on a variety of approaches to visual nonfiction in different media, students will engage with the tumultuous history, material culture, and landscapes of St. Louis. The course will introduce first-year students both to their city and their university, preparing them to explore existing coursework in Arts & Sciences and the Sam Fox School. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only. Students who are not first-year students will be unenrolled from this course.
Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM, SC
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I60 BEYOND 130 The Art of Medicine
This interdisciplinary, cross-school course at the intersection of history, visual culture and the visual arts includes a roster of notable speakers and offers students a singular encounter with western medicine from ancient times to the present day. In tandem with the history of medicine, the course examines the capacity of the arts to frame medical practice and to raise questions and influence perceptions, both positively and negatively, of medical advancements. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only.
Credit 3 units. A&S: FYBB
Arch: HUM
Art: HUM
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I60 BEYOND 140 To Sustainability and Beyond: People, Planet, Prosperity (P3)
This class examines the subject of sustainability from multiple perspectives to gain an appreciation for its interconnected environmental, social, and economic dimensions. We explore foundational concepts and principles through a variety of activities and assignments, including readings, discussions, group work, games, presentations, and projects. The goal is to integrate knowledge and methods from different disciplines to achieve a holistic understanding of sustainability problems and solutions. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only.
Credit 3 units. A&S: FYS
Arch: SSC
Art: SSC
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I60 BEYOND 160 Gender, Youth, and Global Health
Through in-depth case studies, this course provides an introduction to gender-specific issues in the context of childhood and adolescence, poverty, and global health. Students will learn to identify how gender and gender differences affect conditions of life in the areas of reproductive health, nutrition, conflict, access to healthcare, and the social determinants of health, especially for young people. Students will learn to analyze health conditions and disparities in relation to both the micro dynamics of local worlds and the macro dynamics of large-scale social forces in the postcolonial global field. In addition, students will come to understand the current challenges that global health practitioners and institutions confront in achieving gender equity and the current efforts toward closing the gap. These learning objectives will be achieved using lectures as well as discussion-based sessions and Skype-based interactions with NGOs and experts who are currently working in the field. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only.
Credit 3 units. A&S: FYBB, FYS
Arch: SSC
Art: SSC
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I60 BEYOND 161 Morality and Markets
What does it look like to live a moral life in today's market system? We know all too well what it does not look like. The news is filled with moral failures of leaders and executives at top firms. We like to believe that we would behave differently, but what kinds of pressures inform our moral choices? What pulls us, what pushes us, and what persuades us to act one way rather than another? These are the questions that a course combining business and literature can address in unique ways; the world of fiction helps us to examine the ethical dilemmas of the market we inhabit every day. In this course, we use great books, classics of film and modern television, and the tools of modern psychology and business strategy to think critically about what is entailed in living a moral life in the midst of the modern market. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only.
Credit 3 units. A&S: FYBB
Arch: HUM
Art: HUM
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I60 BEYOND 175 Designing Creativity: Innovation Across Disciplines
From "a-ha!" epiphanies to slow-developing discoveries, the creative process has been employed by innovators and artists in virtually every corner of the globe for centuries. This course will explore the study and practice of the creative process across many disciplines, with input from prominent thinkers and practitioners in the areas of medicine, neuroscience, law, engineering, architecture, human-centered design, business, stage design, and the performing arts. The course will also incorporate the practice of design thinking and creativity techniques via a lab component that will allow students to explore the development of innovative ideas in collaborative teams followed by project presentations to core faculty and classmates. This course is for first-year (non-transfer) students only.
Credit 3 units. A&S: FYBB
Arch: HUM
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During the spring semester, students in the Beyond Boundaries cohort have the opportunity to apply their interdisciplinary knowledge to important social and intellectual questions via one of two Bear Bridge courses (only open to program students). As mentioned previously, students can opt to take a Bear Bridge course in the spring instead of a second Beyond Boundaries course.
I60 BEYOND 110 Empathy First: Solutions with Heart
Decisions that impact the daily lives of people are often made without consideration of the lived experience of those impacted, resulting in harm and eroded trust. Empathy is a critical tool for understanding the lived experience of others and creating better quality of life for all people. This course will introduce the integration of empathy into decisions through the methods, processes, and approaches used in design and social work. Students will examine how empathy is incorporated into the development and implementation of new solutions to wicked problems through conversations with experts in health, law, and business; community-based team projects; and reflection and discussion. Course activities will build cohort connections.
Credit 3 units. A&S: FYBB
Arch: SSC
Art: SSC
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I60 BEYOND 111 Law, Race, and Design: Examining the St. Louis Story
This interdisciplinary course focuses on the intersection of law, race, and design in St. Louis. From Dred Scott to Ferguson, St. Louis has served as a focal point for some of the most important issues in our country's long and still unfinished work toward racial equality. The law has played an important role in these developments; judicial opinions, city ordinances, and commission reports have shaped how we understand questions of race and equality. But the law is not simply the written word: it involves people, practices, places, and the stories we tell about them. How we communicate our stories ultimately affects how we understand those stories and how we understand ourselves. This course situates law within stories and equips students to communicate those stories in ways that draw from a range of communication design methodological tools. Using design research, thinking, and a human-centered design approach, this course will challenge students to connect the words of legal documents with the experiences of those whose lives are situated by them. There will be two required self-guided visits outside of normal class time, each of which should take 2.5 - 3 hours, including travel to and from the site. Accommodations for normal class sessions (either ending early or canceling class) will take place to offset some of this time commitment. This is a Bear Bridge course required for all first-year students in the Beyond Boundaries program; it is open only to students in the Beyond Boundaries program.
Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM, SC
Arch: HUM
Art: HUM
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