MSW Concentrations

Students will orient their course of study around a concentration to deepen their knowledge in a particular area. Concentrations include the following:

American Indian and Alaska Native

Foundation Courses (21 credits)
SWCR 5007Research Methods with Statistical Applications3
SWCR 5011Human Behavior3
SWCR 5012Social, Economic & Political Environment3
SWCR 5015Social Justice and Human Diversity3
SWCR 5038Social Work Practice with Individuals, Families & Groups3
SWCR 5039Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities3
SWCR 5040Social Welfare Policies and Services3
Foundation Practicum (4 credits)
SWPR 6000Foundations of Field Education0
SWPR 5102MSW Integrative Foundation Field Seminar1
SWPR 5006MSW Foundation Practicum I3
Concentration Courses
Theory, Problems, and Issues (3 credits)
SWHS 5751Indigenous Knowledge, Values and Cultures3
Social Policy (3 credits)
SWSP 5749American Indian Social Welfare Policies and Administrative Practices3
Practice Methods (9 credits)
SWDP 4005Indigenous Mental Health Practice3
SWCD 5019Community Development with American Indian and Other Indigenous Communities3
One additional course based on selected track3
Concentration Practicum (5 credits)
SWPR 5014MSW Concentration Practicum I5
Leadership and Management (3 credits)
SWHS 5017Management & Leadership of Organizations (If in Management or Social Entrepreneurship specialization, take SWHS 5089.)3
Evaluation (3 credits)3
SWSP 5842Social Policy Analysis & Evaluation
or SWSA 5050 Evaluation of Programs And Services
Electives (9 credits)9
Total Units60

Children, Youth and Families

Foundation Courses (21 credits)
SWCR 5007Research Methods with Statistical Applications3
SWCR 5011Human Behavior3
SWCR 5012Social, Economic & Political Environment3
SWCR 5015Social Justice and Human Diversity3
SWCR 5038Social Work Practice with Individuals, Families & Groups3
SWCR 5039Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities3
SWCR 5040Social Welfare Policies and Services3
Foundation Practicum (4 credits)
SWPR 6000Foundations of Field Education0
SWPR 5006MSW Foundation Practicum I3
SWPR 5102MSW Integrative Foundation Field Seminar1
Concentration Courses
Theory, Problems, and Issues (3 credits)
SWHS 1011Theoretical & Empirical Bases for Practice with Children, Youth & Families3
Social Policy (3 credits)
SWSP 5771Policy & Services for Children & Youth3
Practice Methods (9 credits)9
SWDP 7201Social Work Practice Across Systems Serving Children, Youth and Families
One of the following is required:
SWDP 7326Social Work Practice with Youth in Families
or SWDP 7325 Social Work Practice in Early & Middle Childhood
One of the following is required*:
SWDP 7325Social Work Practice in Early & Middle Childhood
or SWDP 7326 Social Work Practice with Youth in Families
or SWDP 5325 Child Maltreatment Prevention
or SWDP 7821 International Child Welfare
or SWDP 5147 Trauma Treatment with Children and Adolescents
or SWSA 5069 Developing Programs In Health and Social Service Settings
Concentration Practicum (5 credits)
SWPR 5014MSW Concentration Practicum I 5
Leadership and Management (3 credits)
SWHS 5017Management & Leadership of Organizations (If in Management or Social Entrepreneurship specialization, take SWHS 5089.)3
Evaluation (3 credits)3
SWSP 5842Social Policy Analysis & Evaluation
or SWSA 5050 Evaluation of Programs And Services
Electives (9 credits)9
Total Units60

SOC WK 6640 School Social Work Practice in Public Schools at UMSL is also an option for this requirement.


Foundation Courses (21 credits)
SWCR 5007Research Methods with Statistical Applications3
SWCR 5011Human Behavior3
SWCR 5012Social, Economic & Political Environment3
SWCR 5015Social Justice and Human Diversity3
SWCR 5038Social Work Practice with Individuals, Families & Groups3
SWCR 5039Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities3
SWCR 5040Social Welfare Policies and Services3
Foundation Practicum (4 credits)
SWPR 6000Foundations of Field Education0
SWPR 5006MSW Foundation Practicum I 3
SWPR 5102MSW Integrative Foundation Field Seminar1
Concentration Courses
Theory, Problems, and Issues (3 credits)
SWHS 3022Health Behavior and Health Promotion3
Social Policy (3 credits)
SWSP 5742Health Administration & Policy3
Practice Methods (9 credits)
SWDP 5453Clinical Interventions in Health & Integrated Health3
SWDP 5810Principles and Practices of Differential Diagnosis3
One of the following is required:
SWDP 5503Cognitive Behavior Therapy3
or SWDP 5702 Applied Group Work Practice
or SWDP 9453 Principles, Practices and Services in Substance Use Disorder Treatment
or SWSA 5069 Developing Programs In Health and Social Service Settings
Concentration Practicum (5 credits)
SWPR 5014MSW Concentration Practicum I 5
Leadership & Management (3 credits)
SWHS 5017Management & Leadership of Organizations (If in Management or Social Entrepreneurship specialization, take SWHS 5089.)3
Evaluation (3 credits)3
SWSP 5842Social Policy Analysis & Evaluation
or SWSA 5050 Evaluation of Programs And Services
Electives (9 credits) 9
Total Units60

Mental Health

Foundation Courses (21 credits)
SWCR 5007Research Methods with Statistical Applications3
SWCR 5011Human Behavior3
SWCR 5012Social, Economic & Political Environment3
SWCR 5015Social Justice and Human Diversity3
SWCR 5038Social Work Practice with Individuals, Families & Groups3
SWCR 5039Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities3
SWCR 5040Social Welfare Policies and Services3
Foundation Practicum (4 credits)
SWPR 6000Foundations of Field Education0
SWPR 5006MSW Foundation Practicum I 3
SWPR 5102MSW Integrative Foundation Field Seminar1
Concentration Courses
Theory, Problems, and Issues (3 credits)
SWHS 5081Contemporary Theories and Issues in Behavioral Health (If Child Behavioral Health Track, take SWHS 1011)3
Social Policy (3 credits)
SWSP 5012Behavioral Health Policies and Services (If Substance Use Disorder Treatment Track, take SWSP 6101)3
Practice Methods (9 credits)9
Clinical Social Work Track
SWDP 5805Principles of Clinical Interventions in Behavioral Health
SWDP 9453Principles, Practices and Services in Substance Use Disorder Treatment
SWDP 5810Principles and Practices of Differential Diagnosis
Child Behavioral Health Track
SWDP 5810Principles and Practices of Differential Diagnosis
SWDP 7201Social Work Practice Across Systems Serving Children, Youth and Families
SWDP 7206Contemporary Family Therapy
Clinical Social Work in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Track
SWDP 5810Principles and Practices of Differential Diagnosis
SWDP 9453Principles, Practices and Services in Substance Use Disorder Treatment
SWDP 5811Harm Reduction Community Practice
Concentration Practicum (5 credits)
SWPR 5014MSW Concentration Practicum I 5
Leadership and Management (3 credits)
SWHS 5017Management & Leadership of Organizations (If in Management or Social Entrepreneurship specialization, take SWHS 5089.)3
Evaluation (3 credits)3
SWSP 5842Social Policy Analysis & Evaluation
or SWSA 5050 Evaluation of Programs And Services
Electives (9 credits)9
Total Units60

Social and Economic Development — Domestic

Foundation Courses (21 credits)
SWCR 5007Research Methods with Statistical Applications3
SWCR 5011Human Behavior3
SWCR 5012Social, Economic & Political Environment3
SWCR 5015Social Justice and Human Diversity3
SWCR 5038Social Work Practice with Individuals, Families & Groups3
SWCR 5039Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities3
SWCR 5040Social Welfare Policies and Services3
Foundation Practicum (4 credits)
SWPR 6000Foundations of Field Education0
SWPR 5006MSW Foundation Practicum I 3
SWPR 5102MSW Integrative Foundation Field Seminar1
Concentration Courses
Theory, Problems, and Issues (3 credits)
SWHS 5013Poverty & Inequality in America3
or SWHS 5040 Theories of Racial, Social & Economic Justice
Social Policy (3 credits)
SWSP 5861Domestic Social & Economic Development3
Practice Methods (9 credits) 9
Three of the following are required:
SWCD 5018State Level Lobbying
SWCD 5027Fundamentals of Community Organizing
SWCD 5050Community Based System Dynamics
SWCD 5076Social and Economic Development/Redevelopment Part 1
SWCD 5086Social and Economic Development: East St. Louis Seminar Part 2
SWCD 5087Poverty: The Impact of Institutionalized Racism
SWCD 5091Race, Inequality & Social Justice in American K-12 Education
SWCD 5400Equitable Economic Development
Note: SWCD 5076, SWCD 5086, and SWCD 5087 may NOT all be taken as practice methods. If all three courses are taken, one will count as an elective.
Concentration Practicum (5 credits)
SWPR 5014MSW Concentration Practicum I 5
Leadership and Management (3 credits)
SWHS 5017Management & Leadership of Organizations (If in Management or Social Entrepreneurship specialization, take SWHS 5089.)3
Evaluation (3 credits)3
SWSP 5842Social Policy Analysis & Evaluation
or SWSA 5050 Evaluation of Programs And Services
Electives (9 credits) 9
Total Units60

Social and Economic Development — International

Foundation Courses (21 credits)
SWCR 5007Research Methods with Statistical Applications3
SWCR 5011Human Behavior3
SWCR 5012Social, Economic & Political Environment3
SWCR 5015Social Justice and Human Diversity3
SWCR 5038Social Work Practice with Individuals, Families & Groups3
SWCR 5039Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities3
SWCR 5040Social Welfare Policies and Services3
Foundation Practicum (4 credits)
SWPR 6000Foundations of Field Education0
SWPR 5006MSW Foundation Practicum I 3
SWPR 5102MSW Integrative Foundation Field Seminar1
Concentration Courses
Theory, Problems, and Issues (3 credits)
SWHS 5030International Social & Economic Development Theory3
Social Policy (3 credits)
SWSP 5862International Social & Economic Development Policy3
Practice Methods (9 credits) 9
SWCD 5056Development Practice in International Settings
Two of the following are required:
SWDP 6215Global Mental Health
SWDP 7821International Child Welfare
SWDP 4100Social Work Practice with Refugees and Immigrants
SWSP 5863Special Topics: Human Rights Policy
SWSA 5069Developing Programs In Health and Social Service Settings
SWCD 5043Global Anti-Poverty Interventions
Concentration Practicum (5 credits)
SWPR 5014MSW Concentration Practicum I 5
Leadership and Management (3 credits)
SWHS 5017Management & Leadership of Organizations (If in Management or Social Entrepreneurship specialization, take SWHS 5089.)3
Evaluation (3 credits)3
SWSP 5842Social Policy Analysis & Evaluation
or SWSA 5050 Evaluation of Programs And Services
Electives (9 credits) 9
Total Units60

Social Impact Leadership

Foundation Courses (21 credits)
SWCR 5007Research Methods with Statistical Applications3
SWCR 5011Human Behavior3
SWCR 5012Social, Economic & Political Environment3
SWCR 5015Social Justice and Human Diversity3
SWCR 5038Social Work Practice with Individuals, Families & Groups3
SWCR 5039Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities3
SWCR 5040Social Welfare Policies and Services3
Foundation Practicum (4 credits)
SWPR 6000Foundations of Field Education0
SWPR 5006MSW Foundation Practicum I 3
SWPR 5102MSW Integrative Foundation Field Seminar1
Concentration Courses
Theory, Problems, and Issues (3 credits)
SWHS 5089Human Service Organizations: Theory, Concepts, Issues3
Social Policy (3 credits)3
One of the following is required:
SWSP 5742Health Administration & Policy
or SWSP 5749 American Indian Social Welfare Policies and Administrative Practices
or SWSP 5771 Policy & Services for Children & Youth
or SWSP 5861 Domestic Social & Economic Development
or SWSP 5862 International Social & Economic Development Policy
or SWSP 6101 Substance Use Policy
or SWSP 5012 Behavioral Health Policies and Services
Practice Methods (9 credits)9
Leadership and Management Track
SWSA 5019Leading & Managing Employees, Volunteers & Teams
SWSA 5057Leadership & Management of Human Service Organizations
SWSA 5030Financial Management
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Track
SWSA 5060Social Entrepreneurship
SWSA 5019Leading & Managing Employees, Volunteers & Teams
SWSA 5030Financial Management
Concentration Practicum (5 credits)
SWPR 5014MSW Concentration Practicum I 5
Leadership and Management (3 credits)
SWSA 5070Revenue Development & Communication3
Evaluation (3 credits)
SWSA 5077Human Services: Design & Evaluation for Impact (Human Services: Design & Evaluation for Impact)3
Electives (9 credits) 9
Total Units60

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